JAC postpones Jharkhand Class 8, 9 final exams due to ‘unavoidable reasons’, new dates later

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Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has postponed the Class 8 and 9 final examinations, 2025 due to ‘unavoidable reasons’.

JAC postpones Jharkhand Class 8, 9 final exams due to ‘unavoidable reasons’

Revised dates for these exams will be announced later, JAC said in a notification on jacexamportal.in.

The Class 8 final exam was scheduled for January 28 and the Class 9 final exam was scheduled for January 29 and 30.

As per the previous schedule, Class 8 students were supposed to write the exam in 2 shifts. On the first shift (9:45 am to 1 pm), students were scheduled to appear for paper 1, which covers Hindi, English and additional language subjects.

The second shift from 2 pm to 5:15 pm would have covered Mathematics, Science and Social Science subjects.

The Class 8 exam is taken on OMR sheets, which means the questions are multiple-choice type.

There are 50 questions from each subject, and schools do internal assessments for 50 marks.

The Class 9 final exam, as per the previous schedule, would have been conducted in two shifts on the first day, January 29 and in a single shift on the second day

Day 1, shift 1 (9:45 am to 1 pm): Hindi A, Hindi B and English subjects.

Day 1, shift 2 (2 pm and 5:15 pm): Mathematics and Science.

Day 2, shift 1: Social Science and other languages (if any).

With the board’s recent announcement, schedules for both classes stands cancelled.

Class 9 students answer multiple-choice questions for 40 marks per subject in their final exams. They get 15 minutes to read the question paper.

Meanwhile, JAC Matric and Inter final exams are scheduled for February 11 to March 3, 2025.

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By bpci

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