Japan has a well-rounded education system, find out why? – Times of India

Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

  1. What are the strategies to promote the internationalisation of education by Japan and the University of Tokyo?

    The University of Tokyo considers India to be one of the most important countries in terms of academic partnership and we hope to increase the number of Indian students studying and (possibly working in the future) in Japan. To promote the internationalisation of education, we at the University of Tokyo, India Office are currently working on the ‘Study in Japan Online webinar project’. This is a unique project, in which we invite top faculty members and admission counsellors of world-class universities from all over Japan to promote various programmes taught entirely in English. The main purpose of this project is to promote higher education opportunities in Japan. We are also willing to participate in offline cultural events held in India that promotes Japanese education and culture.
  2. The University of Tokyo is keen to enrol Indian students in various courses and research programmes. Could you give more details on this?

    The University of Tokyo has continually served as one of the prominent overseas offices for shared utilisation by Japanese universities, as well as the coordinator for Study in Japan (India) appointed by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). With this mission, we promote all Japanese universities. More details can be obtained from indiaoffice.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp or at https://linktr.ee/utokyoindiaofficemext
  3. Will student mobility for education be an important aspect of Japan India Vision 2025 Special Strategic and Global Partnership?

    The Prime Ministers of India and Japan invited their universities and academic institutions to further expand cooperation. Late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hoped that in the next five years, 10,000 young Indian talents will be visiting Japan under such frameworks as student exchange, IT training and short-term exchanges, and hoped that it will provide solid bonds for our future relations.
  4. What are the collaborations that the University of Tokyo is planning with Indian institutes in the coming time?

    We are planning to enhance academic collaboration and business-academia relations between India and Japan by establishing strong networks with Indian academia and businesses. For this purpose, our alumni association ‘Akamonkai’ plays a significant role.With full awareness of India’s latest NEP, we are actively looking for research collaboration with top Indian universities. Through reciprocal collaboration, we can contribute to the advancement of high-quality human resources, which leads to India and Japan’s development.If you need further information regarding exchange projects. Please have a look at this website – https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/adm/jiepp/en/business/index.html
  5. What advice will you give to Indian students who aspire to study in Japan?

    Japan has some of the best and most world-class universities with great research facilities. Moreover, Japan is widely considered a safe country for students, with mature infrastructures and efficient public transportation. The Japanese government is also focusing on increasing the internationalisation of education and looking for more and more Indian students to study in Japan.

So, if you study in Japan, you will no doubt study in a well-rounded education system, you will experience a unique culture and you will have a chance to gain more international perspective. Even if you don’t know Japanese, you will still be able to apply for English programmes in Japan. However, if you could learn the Japanese language, then surely, it opens more job opportunities in the Indian and Japanese markets. Japanese companies such as Honda, Yamaha, Sony, and Toyota have manufacturing facilities in India, which means, there are more job opportunities for Indian citizens who can speak Japanese.

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Priyanka Srivastava

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