Jagran Josh
JEE Mains Percentile for Marks: Calculating JEE Main percentile and knowing the JEE Main rank is another task students face after the JEE exam. To make the process easy this article provides essential details on JEE Main Marks vs Percentile.

Get here JEE Main Percentile vs Rank Analysis
JEE Marks Vs Rank Vs Percentile: Generally, the JEE Main percentile is calculated by determining the percentage of scores that fall below a specific value in a dataset. However, the NTA (National Testing Agency) will use its unique method to calculate the JEE Mains Percentile Score 2024. It will be calculated section-wise for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The highest percentile will be 100, and it will be calculated for 7 decimal places to avoid any collision of two candidates for a single seat.
Here, JEE Mains 2024 aspirants will know the difference between percentage, percentile, and percentile rank. The formulas followed by NTA to calculate the JEE Main percentile are described here, and a free PDF is attached for reference. Read this article to learn more about the mark vs percentile of JEE Mains 2024.
Difference Between Percentage and Percentile
People often confuse between percentage and percentile. Read the table below to clear all the doubts related to JEE percentage and JEE percentile.
JEE Main Percentage |
JEE Main Percentile |
Definition: It is a numerical representation of a fraction out of 100. |
Definition: It is a statistical measure indicating the relative position of a particular value in a dataset. |
Calculation: It is calculated by taking a fraction, multiplying it by 100, and expressing the result with the percentage symbol (%). |
Calculation: It is calculated by determining the percentage of scores that fall below a specific value in a dataset. |
Example: If a student scores 80 out of 100, the percentage score is 80/100 × 100 = 80 % |
Example: If a student’s score is higher than 75% of the students in a class, their percentile rank is 75. |
Percentage is a universal measure used to express a part of a whole in various contexts, such as grades, discounts, or proportions. |
Percentile provides a relative measure, showing how a particular score compares to others in the same group or population. |
Key Distinctions between JEE Main Marks Vs JEE Main Percentile:
- Scope: Percentage is a broader measure, while percentile is specific.
- Calculation Basic: Percentage is calculated directly from a given set of values, whereas percentile involves comparing a value to the entire dataset.
- Interpretation: Percentage directly represents a portion of a whole, while percentile provides a ranking or position relative to others.
Why JEE Results are in Percentile and Not in Percentage?
NTA designs multiple sets for the JEE Mains exam, which differ in difficulty level. Students who get the set with higher difficulty tend to be at a loss if they follow the percentage calculation due to their lower scores. Thus, to normalise this, a normalisation procedure based on the percentile score is used by NTA. It is also mentioned in the official NTA brochure that “the process of normalisation is an established practice for comparing candidate scores across multi-session papers and is similar to those being adopted in other large educational selection tests conducted in India. For normalisation across sections, NTA shall use the percentile equivalence.”
JEE Main Percentile Calculation
The JEE exam results for all the sessions would be prepared in the form of raw scores and Percentile (total and separately for each subject: Maths, Physics and Chemistry).
- Total Percentile: 100 X ??. ?? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?ℎ? ??????? ???ℎ ??? ????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?ℎ?? ? ????? ➗ Total No. of Candidates appeared in the session
- Mathematics Percentile: 100 X ??. ?? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?ℎ? ??????? ???ℎ ??? ????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?ℎ?? Mathematics ????? ➗ Total No. of Candidates appeared in the session
- Physics Percentile: 100 X ??. ?? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?ℎ? ??????? ???ℎ ??? ????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?ℎ?? Physics ????? ➗ Total No. of Candidates appeared in the session
- Chemistry Percentile: 100 X ??. ?? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?ℎ? ??????? ???ℎ ??? ????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?ℎ?? Chemistry ????? ➗ Total No. of Candidates appeared in the session
JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile: Expected
JEE Main 2023 Marks |
JEE Main 2023 Percentile |
300-281 |
100 – 99.99989145 |
271 – 280 |
99.994681 – 99.997394 |
263 – 270 |
99.990990 – 99.994029 |
250 – 262 |
99.977205 – 99.988819 |
241 – 250 |
99.960163 – 99.975034 |
231 – 240 |
99.934980 – 99.956364 |
221 – 230 |
99.901113 – 99.928901 |
211 – 220 |
99.851616 – 99.893732 |
201 – 210 |
99.795063 – 99.845212 |
191 – 200 |
99.710831 – 99.782472 |
181 – 190 |
99.597399 – 99.688579 |
171 – 180 |
99.456939 – 99.573193 |
161 – 170 |
99.272084 – 99.431214 |
151 – 160 |
99.028614 – 99.239737 |
141 – 150 |
98.732389 – 98.990296 |
131 – 140 |
98.317414 – 98.666935 |
121 – 130 |
97.811260 – 98.254132 |
111 – 120 |
97.142937 – 97.685672 |
101 – 110 |
96.204550 – 96.978272 |
91 – 100 |
94.998594 – 96.064850 |
81 – 90 |
93.471231 – 94.749479 |
71 – 80 |
91.072128 – 93.152971 |
61 – 70 |
87.512225 – 90.702200 |
51 – 60 |
82.016062 – 86.907944 |
41 – 50 |
73.287808 – 80.982153 |
31 – 40 |
58.151490 – 71.302052 |
JEE Main Marks Vs Percentile Rank
Below is the table showing JEE Main marks and percentile rank based on the obtained marks.
Percentile Rank= L➗N x 100
N= Total number of data values
L= Data value from the data set
Marks |
Percentile Rank |
Marks |
Percentile Rank |
Marks |
Percentile Rank |
300 |
100.0000000 |
230 |
76.6666667 |
160 |
53.3333333 |
299 |
99.6666667 |
229 |
76.3333333 |
159 |
53.0000000 |
298 |
99.3333333 |
228 |
76.0000000 |
158 |
52.6666667 |
297 |
99.0000000 |
227 |
75.6666667 |
157 |
52.3333333 |
296 |
98.6666667 |
226 |
75.3333333 |
156 |
52.0000000 |
295 |
98.3333333 |
225 |
75.0000000 |
155 |
51.6666667 |
294 |
98.0000000 |
224 |
74.6666667 |
154 |
51.3333333 |
293 |
97.6666667 |
223 |
74.3333333 |
153 |
51.0000000 |
292 |
97.3333333 |
222 |
74.0000000 |
152 |
50.6666667 |
291 |
97.0000000 |
221 |
73.6666667 |
151 |
50.3333333 |
290 |
96.6666667 |
220 |
73.3333333 |
150 |
50.0000000 |
289 |
96.3333333 |
219 |
73.0000000 |
149 |
49.6666667 |
288 |
96.0000000 |
218 |
72.6666667 |
148 |
49.3333333 |
287 |
95.6666667 |
217 |
72.3333333 |
147 |
49.0000000 |
286 |
95.3333333 |
216 |
72.0000000 |
146 |
48.6666667 |
285 |
95.0000000 |
215 |
71.6666667 |
145 |
48.3333333 |
284 |
94.6666667 |
214 |
71.3333333 |
144 |
48.0000000 |
283 |
94.3333333 |
213 |
71.0000000 |
143 |
47.6666667 |
282 |
94.0000000 |
212 |
70.6666667 |
142 |
47.3333333 |
281 |
93.6666667 |
211 |
70.3333333 |
141 |
47.0000000 |
280 |
93.3333333 |
210 |
70.0000000 |
140 |
46.6666667 |
279 |
93.0000000 |
209 |
69.6666667 |
139 |
46.3333333 |
278 |
92.6666667 |
208 |
69.3333333 |
138 |
46.0000000 |
277 |
92.3333333 |
207 |
69.0000000 |
137 |
45.6666667 |
276 |
92.0000000 |
206 |
68.6666667 |
136 |
45.3333333 |
275 |
91.6666667 |
205 |
68.3333333 |
135 |
45.0000000 |
274 |
91.3333333 |
204 |
68.0000000 |
134 |
44.6666667 |
273 |
91.0000000 |
203 |
67.6666667 |
133 |
44.3333333 |
272 |
90.6666667 |
202 |
67.3333333 |
132 |
44.0000000 |
271 |
90.3333333 |
201 |
67.0000000 |
131 |
43.6666667 |
270 |
90.0000000 |
200 |
66.6666667 |
130 |
43.3333333 |
269 |
89.6666667 |
199 |
66.3333333 |
129 |
43.0000000 |
268 |
89.3333333 |
198 |
66.0000000 |
128 |
42.6666667 |
267 |
89.0000000 |
197 |
65.6666667 |
127 |
42.3333333 |
266 |
88.6666667 |
196 |
65.3333333 |
126 |
42.0000000 |
265 |
88.3333333 |
195 |
65.0000000 |
125 |
41.6666667 |
264 |
88.0000000 |
194 |
64.6666667 |
124 |
41.3333333 |
263 |
87.6666667 |
193 |
64.3333333 |
123 |
41.0000000 |
262 |
87.3333333 |
192 |
64.0000000 |
122 |
40.6666667 |
261 |
87.0000000 |
191 |
63.6666667 |
121 |
40.3333333 |
260 |
86.6666667 |
190 |
63.3333333 |
120 |
40.0000000 |
259 |
86.3333333 |
189 |
63.0000000 |
119 |
39.6666667 |
258 |
86.0000000 |
188 |
62.6666667 |
118 |
39.3333333 |
257 |
85.6666667 |
187 |
62.3333333 |
117 |
39.0000000 |
256 |
85.3333333 |
186 |
62.0000000 |
116 |
38.6666667 |
255 |
85.0000000 |
185 |
61.6666667 |
115 |
38.3333333 |
254 |
84.6666667 |
184 |
61.3333333 |
114 |
38.0000000 |
253 |
84.3333333 |
183 |
61.0000000 |
113 |
37.6666667 |
252 |
84.0000000 |
182 |
60.6666667 |
112 |
37.3333333 |
251 |
83.6666667 |
181 |
60.3333333 |
111 |
37.0000000 |
250 |
83.3333333 |
180 |
60.0000000 |
110 |
36.6666667 |
249 |
83.0000000 |
179 |
59.6666667 |
248 |
82.6666667 |
178 |
59.3333333 |
247 |
82.3333333 |
177 |
59.0000000 |
246 |
82.0000000 |
176 |
58.6666667 |
245 |
81.6666667 |
175 |
58.3333333 |
244 |
81.3333333 |
174 |
58.0000000 |
243 |
81.0000000 |
173 |
57.6666667 |
242 |
80.6666667 |
172 |
57.3333333 |
241 |
80.3333333 |
171 |
57.0000000 |
240 |
80.0000000 |
170 |
56.6666667 |
239 |
79.6666667 |
169 |
56.3333333 |
238 |
79.3333333 |
168 |
56.0000000 |
237 |
79.0000000 |
167 |
55.6666667 |
236 |
78.6666667 |
166 |
55.3333333 |
235 |
78.3333333 |
165 |
55.0000000 |
234 |
78.0000000 |
164 |
54.6666667 |
233 |
77.6666667 |
163 |
54.3333333 |
232 |
77.3333333 |
162 |
54.0000000 |
231 |
77.0000000 |
161 |
53.6666667 |
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