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National Testing Agency, NTA concluded JEE mains Exam 2023 Day 2 Shift 2 on April 8, 2023. The examination was conducted from 3 pm to 6 pm.
Candidates who have appeared for the examination found the paper to be moderate to tough. In terms of order of Difficulty – Maths was Moderately Tough, Chemistry was Moderate Level, while Physics was Easy. Overall, this paper was Moderate to Tough level as per students. The complete analysis has been shared by Ramesh Batlish, Centre Head-FIITJEE Noida Centres.
JEE Mains Exam 2023 Day 2 Shift 2: Paper Pattern
Part-I- Physics had total 30*questions – Sec-I had 20 Multiple choice questions with Single correct answers & Sec-II had 10 Numerical based questions out which only 5 had to be attempted. Marking scheme for multiple choice questions was +4 for correct response, -1 for incorrect response, 0 if not attempted. Marking scheme for numerical based questions was +4 for correct response, -1 for incorrect response and 0 in all other cases. Total marks of this section were 100.
Part-II- Chemistry had total 30*questions – Sec-I had 20 Multiple choice questions with Single correct answers & Sec-II had 10 Numerical based questions out which only 5 had to be attempted. Marking scheme for multiple choice questions was +4 for correct response, -1 for incorrect response, 0 if not attempted. Marking scheme for numerical based questions was +4 for correct response, -1 for incorrect response and 0 in all other cases. Total marks of this section were 100.
Part-III- Mathematics had total 30*questions – Sec-I had 20 Multiple choice questions with Single correct answers & Sec-II had 10 Numerical based questions out which only 5 had to be attempted. Marking scheme for multiple choice questions was +4 for correct response, -1 for incorrect response, 0 if not attempted. Marking scheme for numerical based questions was +4 for correct response, -1 for incorrect response and 0 in all other cases. Total marks of this section were 100.
Questions covered almost all chapters of Class XI & XII CBSE Board. It was a balanced paper. It was Tougher than the previous Tests held so far.
JEE Mains Exam 2023 Day 2 Shift 2: Difficulty Level
The level of difficultly as per feedback from students on 8th April, 2023 (Afternoon Session).
Mathematics – Moderately Tough Level. Mixed Concept questions were asked. Questions asked from Straight Lines, Parabola, Circles, Limits, Continuity & Differentiability, Differential Equations, Area, Matrices, Binomial Theorem, Probability, Statistics, Determinants, Vectors, 3D Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Complex Numbers, Progression Series. Both MCQs and Numerical Based questions required lengthy calculations. This section was Lengthy and Tricky as per few students.some students also reported this as Tough.
Physics – Easy level. Weightage given to chapters of Kinematics, Circular Motion, Rotational Motion, Laws of Motion, Rotational Motion, SHM, Gravitation, Heat & Thermodynamics, Wave Optics, Current Electricity, Electrostatics, AC Circuits, Modern Physics, Error Analysis, Semi-Conductors and Optics. Numerical based questions were reported as Easy. It was a Balanced Section.
Chemistry- Moderate Level. Physical Chemistry was given less weightage as compared to Organic & Inorganic Chemistry. Questions asked from p-block elements, Qualitative Analysis, Titrations, Biomolecules, General Organic Chemistry, Aldehydes & Ketones, Amines, Chemical Equilibrium, Atomic Structure, Solutions, Chemical Kinetics. MCQs were tricky compared to Numerical Section. More weightage was given to class XI chapters.
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