JEE Mains session 2: Day 4 Shift 1 paper analysis

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The JEE (Main) 2023 Paper-I for those aspiring for B.E. / B. Tech was held on 11th April, 2023. The reporting time for students was 8:20 am however the exam started sharp at 9:00 am. Questions covered almost all chapters of Class XI & XII CBSE Board. Balanced Paper as per students in terms of coverage of chapters.

JEE Mains session 2: Day 4 Shift 1 paper analysis here(HT file)

The paper had three parts & each part had two sections:

Part-I- Physics had a total of 30 questions – Sec-I had 20 Multiple choice questions with Single correct answers & Sec-II had 10 Numerical based questions out of which only 5 had to be attempted. The marking scheme for multiple choice questions was +4 for a correct response, -1 for an incorrect response, and 0 if not attempted. The marking scheme for numerical-based questions was +4 for correct response and 0 in all other cases. The total marks for this section were 100.

Part II- Chemistry had a total of 30 questions – Sec-I had 20 Multiple choice questions with Single correct answers & Sec-II had 10 Numerical based questions out of which only 5 had to be attempted. The marking scheme for multiple choice questions was +4 for a correct response, -1 for an incorrect response, and 0 if not attempted. The marking scheme for numerical-based questions was +4 for a correct response, -1 for an incorrect response and 0 in all other cases. The total marks for this section were 100.

Part III- Mathematics had a total of 30 questions – Sec-I had 20 Multiple choice questions with Single correct answers & Sec-II had 10 Numerical based questions out of which only 5 had to be attempted. The marking scheme for multiple choice questions was +4 for a correct response, -1 for an incorrect response, and 0 if not attempted. The marking scheme for numerical-based questions was +4 for a correct response, -1 for an incorrect response and 0 in all other cases. The total marks for this section were 100.

The level of difficulty as per feedback from students on 11th April, 2023 (Forenoon Session).

Mathematics – Moderately level. Questions were asked from all chapters with an emphasis on Chapters on Algebra & Calculus. Questions were asked from Vectors & 3 D Geometry (4 to 5 questions), Binomial Theorem, Progressions, Matrices, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics, Permutation & Combination & Probability, Straight Lines & Circle , Parabola, Definite Integrals had 3 questions, Area, Differential Equations(2 questions). The numerical Section had lengthy calculations. Mixed concept questions were asked in Conic Sections. A few questions were reported as Tricky.

Physics – Easy level. Questions asked from Kinematics, Heat & Thermodynamics(3 to 4 questions), Kinetic Theory of Gases, Gravitation, Rotational Motion, EM Waves, Electrostatics, Magnetism, AC Circuits, Current Electricity, Modern Physics & Ray Optics. Numerical-based questions were easy. Overall, this section was balanced as per students.

Chemistry – Easy to Moderate Level. Inorganic Chemistry was given more weightage compared to Physical & Organic Chemistry. Numerical Based questions were mostly from Physical Chemistry – Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Mole Concept, Ionic Equilibrium, and Solid state. Questions were also asked from Environmental Chemistry, p & d block, Phenols, Chemical Bonding, and Coordination Compounds. Some mixed-concept questions were asked in Organic Chemistry from Amines, Aldehydes & Ketones, Biomolecules, and Polymers.

In terms of order of Difficulty – Mathematics was Moderate Level while Physics was Easy among the three subjects. Overall, this paper was of Moderate level as per students.

Ramesh Batlish Managing Partner & Head-FIITJEE Noida Centres

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