JKPSC Admit Card 2023 Out For Medical Officers, VAS Posts – News18

Top Education-career News- News18.com

The written examination for these positions is scheduled to be held on Sunday, June 25 (Representative image)

Candidates who are required to participate in the written exam for these roles can obtain their hall tickets by visiting the official website jkpsc.nic.in

The Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission (JKPSC) has issued the admit card for various positions including Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Medical Officer Unani, Medical Officer Ayurvedic, and Medical Officer Homeopathy. Candidates who are required to participate in the written exam for these roles can obtain their hall tickets by visiting the official website jkpsc.nic.in. The written examination for these positions is scheduled to be held on Sunday, June 25.

As per the official notice released, the written examination for these positions will be conducted in an objective type format, starting from 9:30 AM and concluding at 11:30 AM throughout the state. Candidates who have successfully applied for the aforementioned positions can download their admit cards in order to appear for the written exam. In case candidates encounter any issues while downloading their admit cards, they are advised to personally visit the Commission office in Jammu/Srinagar before June 21, 2023.

JKPSC Admit Card 2023: How To Download

STEP 1: Visit the official website, jkpsc.nic.in.

STEP 2: Locate the link on the homepage titled “Conduct of Written Test for the post of Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Medical Officer Unani, Homeopathy and Ayurvedic – Admit Card.

“STEP 3: Select the “Login” option.

STEP 4: Enter your username and password.

STEP 5: The screen will display the JKPSC VAS Admit Card 2023 for different positions.

STEP 6: Examine the admit card and download it.

It is important for aspirants to verify their information before submitting their application form. To avoid any mistakes, candidates should carefully review the information on their Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission Admit Card 2023.

JKPSC Admit Card 2023: Details Mentioned

Name of the Candidate

Name of the Exam

Parents Name

Position applied for

Photograph of the Candidate



Time, and Venue of Examination

Roll Number

Category (UR/ BC/ SC & Other)

Exam Center & its Postal Address

Duration of the Exam

Date of Birth

Candidates should also carefully read and follow the essential instructions provided for the JKPSC exam 2023.

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#JKPSC #Admit #Card #Medical #Officers #VAS #Posts #News18

By bpci

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