Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times
Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board has released the provisional answer key for the posts of Assistant Scientific Officer (Chemistry and Toxicology) and Assistant Scientific Officer (Narcotics), Home Department. Candidates who have appeared for the examination can download the answer key from the official website through the official website at
The written examination for the Assistant Scientific Officer post was conducted on January 6.
Candidates can submit their objections and representations in the prescribed format along with the documentary proof/evidence substantiating the claim (hard copies only) and a fee of ₹200 per question in favour of the Accounts Officer, J&K Services Selection Board.
“The objections/representations can be submitted in offline mode only, in the office of JKSSB, CP0 Chowk, Panjtirthi, Jammu/JKSSB, Zamzam Building, Rambagh, Srinagar on three working days starting from 08-01-2024, during office hours only. The Board shall not entertain any such representations/objections after the expiry of the stipulated period or through any other mode”, reads the official notification.
JKSSB ASO 2024 answer key: Know how to check
Visit the official website at
On the homepage, click on the answer key link
A pdf will be displayed on the screen
Check the answer key take print out for the future reference.
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