JKSSB DEO Answer Key 2023 released on jkssb.nic.in; download here – Times of India

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JKSSB DEO Answer Key 2023: The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has released the answer key for the Data Entry Operator (DEO) written examination conducted by the Election Department on October 8, 2023.
The Provisional Answer Key for the JKSSB DEO 2023 examination, categorized into Series A, B, C, and D, has been made available as an open PDF document. Interested candidates can access this answer key on the official website of the Board at https://jkssb.nic.in/.
Candidates who may have objections or disagreements with any of the answers provided in the answer key are advised to submit their objections or representations. However, it is important to note that these objections must follow a specific format or proforma given on the official website. Along with the objections, candidates must provide supporting documentary proof or evidence that substantiates their claims. These objections should be submitted in hard copy form only.
To ensure that their objections are processed, candidates are also required to include a fee of Rs. 200 per question as part of their submission. This fee should be in the form of a demand draft, made out in favour of the Accounts Officer, J&K Services Selection Board. It is important to note that this fee is refundable if the representation or objection is found to be genuine and correct.
Should a candidate’s objection be deemed valid and correct, the Answer Key will be revised accordingly for all candidates who took the examination. However, it is important to note that candidates will not receive individual notifications regarding the acceptance or rejection of their objections.
Candidates are advised that the submission of objections and representations can only be done in offline mode. They can visit the office of the J&K Services Selection Board, either at CPO Chowk, Panjtirthi, Jammu, or at Zamzam Building, Rambagh, Srinagar, during office hours. The specified period for submitting objections and representations will span three working days starting from October 9, 2023. After this stipulated period, the Board will not entertain any further objections or representations through any other means.
Upon receipt of objections and accompanying documents from candidates, the examination authority will conduct a thorough review. Subsequently, the JKSSB DEO final answer key for 2023 will be published, taking into account the raised objections.
Following the revision of the answer key, the Board will proceed to compute the results for the JKSSB DEO examination 2023. It is anticipated that the JKSSB DEO results will be released in the last week of October.
Direct link to download the JKSSB Provisional Answer Key for Data Entry Operator Exam 2023
How to check and download JKSSB DEO Answer Key 2023?
Step 1: Open your web browser and go to the official website of the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) by typing in the URL: https://jkssb.nic.in/.
Step 2: Look for a section on the website that is specifically dedicated to ‘Answer Key’ or ‘Latest Updates.’ It is usually found on the homepage or in the ‘Examination’ or ‘Notifications’ tab.
Step 3: Within the ‘Answer Key’ section, locate the link related to the ‘Data Entry Operator (DEO) Answer Key 2023’ for the examination held on October 10, 2023.
Step 4: Click on the relevant link to access the DEO Answer Key. This will usually be in the form of a PDF document.
Step 5: Once the PDF file opens, you can download it to your device. To do this, look for a download icon (usually represented as an arrow pointing downwards) on the PDF viewer and click it.
Step 6: After downloading, open the PDF file and carefully review the answer key to check the answers for the Data Entry Operator exam. Compare it with your own responses to assess your performance in the examination.

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Sanjay Sharma

#JKSSB #DEO #Answer #Key #released #jkssb.nic.in #download #Times #India

By bpci

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