Jagran Josh
JKSSB VLW Admit Card 2023 (OUT): The Jammu & Kashmir Service Selection Board (JKSSB) uploaded the answer keys for the post of Panchayat Secretary on 04 December. The answer key was uploaded on 10 December on the official website i.e. jkssb.nic.in and ssbjk.com. Those who appeared in the exam can download the answer key and calculate their expected marks.
Any candidate having objections to the answer key, may submit his/her objection in respect of such questions on prescribed format/proforma along with documentary proof substantiating the claim and a fee of Rs. 200/- per question in favour of the Account Officer, JKSSB,
How to Download JKSSB VLW Admit Card 2023
The candidates can check follow the steps given in this article to download the admit card through the steps given below.
Step 1: Go to the JKSSB website
Step 2: Visit the ‘What’s New’ section
Step 3: Click on ‘Provisional Answer Key Notice regarding Written Examination for the post of Panchayat Secretary, Rural Development Department, held on 10-12-2023.’
Step 4: Download answer key PDF
Step 5: Check the correct answers
Step 6: Take the printout of the answerkey
#JKSSB #VLW #Answer #Key #Released #jkssb.nic.in #Submit #SSBJK #Panchayat #Secretary #Objection