Karnataka II PU Result 2023: 74.67% pass, Ananya KA of Alva’s PU college topped state – Times of India

Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

II PU Result 2023: With a changed question paper pattern, the pass percentage of the Karnataka second pre-university exams leaped up to 74.67 this year. Last year, it was around 62%.
The results of the exam that was held from March 9-29 were announced on Friday. While around 80% of freshers passed the exam, 48% of repeaters and 43% of private candidates passed.
86% of the Science students cleared the exam, while 76% of Commerce and 61% of Arts students too made it.
Tabassum Shaik, a student of NMKRV College for Women, Bengaluru topped the Arts stream with 593 marks out of 600.
Ananya KA of Alva’s PU college scored 600 out of 600 in Commerce stream. The Science stream was topped by two students — SM Koushik, Gangothri PU College, Kolar and Surabhi, RV PU College, Bangalore with 596 marks out of 600.
With the election code of conduct in place, the minister for school education and literacy B C Nages skipped the press meet. Instead, the press conference was addressed by Ramachandran R, chairperson, of Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board, and Ritesh Kumar, principal secretary, of primary and secondary education.
The officials attributed the increase in pass percentage to the introduction of Multiple Choice Questions.
Three districts- Dakshin Kannada, Udupi and Kodagu had more than 90% of students passing the exam.

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Sruthy Susan Ullas

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