KCET 2023 Round 1 Seat Allotment Results To Declare Today At kea.kar.nic.in – News18

Top Education-career News- News18.com

Curated By: Sheen Kachroo

Last Updated: August 17, 2023, 10:36 IST

The results will be declared on the official website, kea.kar.nic.in after 6 pm (Representative Image)

Applicants with an assigned seat must confirm their admission by making an online payment for the confirmation fee

The Karnataka Examinations Authority will announce round one seat allotment results for Karnataka Undergraduate Common Entrance Test today. The results will be declared on the official website, kea.kar.nic.in after 6 pm. It is important for the students to remember that the first-round allotment result for KCET 2023 is determined based on the choices made by students.

KCET 2023: Steps To Download

Here is the steps that candidates can follow to access and download the KCET seat allotment results:

STEP 1: Visit the official KEA website, kea.kar.nic.in. or candidates can use cetonline.karnataka.gov.in.

STEP 2: Click “UGCET 2023 round 1 seat allotment result 2023″ on the homepage.

STEP 3: Enter the application number and password on the login page.

STEP 4: Log in using the provided credentials.

STEP 5: The KCET round 1 seat allotment for 2023 will be displayed on the screen.

STEP 6: Download the admission order and you can save it for future reference.

Earlier, on August 13, the mock test seat allotment results for KCET 2023 were announced. Subsequently, the examination authority extended the deadline for completing KCET option entry for engineering and medical courses until 8 AM on August 15. After the release of the mock allotment results, participants were assigned seats with an option to rearrange, remove, or add more preferences for the KCET 2023 final allotment list.

Applicants with an assigned seat must confirm their admission by making an online payment for the confirmation fee. Following a successful payment in response to the KCET 1st round result for 2023, applicants must visit the respective institution for document verification along with the seat allotment letter.

Alternatively, if candidates are not satisfied with their assigned course or college, they have the option to engage in ensuing rounds of KCET counselling. For those who are content with the round 1 allotment and wish to partake in subsequent rounds while securing the current seat allocation, it is advised not to proceed with reporting to the college for admission.

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#KCET #Seat #Allotment #Results #Declare #Today #kea.kar.nic.in #News18

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