KVS Admit Card 2022 out for Primary Teacher and Other Posts

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Candidates can download the KVS Admit Card 2023 by simply logging in with their ‘Application Number’ and ‘Date of Birth’ on the official portal (Representative image)

Kendriya Vidyalaya Samiti has released the KVS Admit Card for the post of PGT, PRT, Hindi Translator, and Non-Teaching posts on the official website at kvsangathan.nic.in

Kendriya Vidyalaya Samiti has issued the KVS Admit Card for the post of PGT, PRT, Hindi Translator, and Non-Teaching posts. Candidates who have registered for the KVS Direct Recruitment can download the hall ticket from the official website at kvsangathan.nic.in.

Candidates can download the KVS Admit Card 2023 by simply logging in with their ‘Application Number’ and ‘Date of Birth’ on the official portal. The KVS Exam City Slip for PRT, PGT, and Non-Teaching posts was released on February 16, 2023, for the exams scheduled to be conducted from February 21 to March 11, 2023. Now, Samiti has released the final hall ticket for the respective exams on the official website.

KVS Admit Card 2022: How to download

Step 1: Visit the official site of KVS at kvsangathan.nic.in.

Step 2: Click on KVS Admit Card 2022 link available on the home page.

Step 3: Enter the login details and click on submit.

Step 4: Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Check the admit card and download the page.

Step 6: Keep a hard copy of the same for further need.

KVS is conducting a direct recruitment drive for various teaching and non-teaching posts including TGT, PGT, PRT, Principal, Vice Principal, Librarian, and others. The recruitment exam started on February 7 and will come to an end on March 11, 2023.

The CBT exams will be conducted from February 17-20 for PGT, February 20 for Hindi Translator, February 21 for Primary Teacher, February 22 for Primary Teacher and Finance Officer and Primary Teacher and Asstt Engineer, February 23 for PGT, February 24, 25, 26, 28 for Primary Teacher, March 1, 2, 4 and 5 for Jr Secretariat Assistant, March 5 for Stenographer Grade II, March 6 for Librarian, March 11 for Asstt Section Officer and Senior Secretariat Assistant posts.

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By bpci

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