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The KVS Answer Keys have been released for the exams held from February 12 to March 01, 2023, for the post of TGT, PGT, PRT, Assistant Engineer, Finance Officer, and Hindi Translator.
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Samiti has also opened an objection window for candidates who are not satisfied with the provisional answer key. Candidates can send their representation by March 10, 2023, up to 12:00 PM. It must be noted that the candidates will be required to pay a fee of Rs. 1000/- per question challenged.
Direct Link: KVS 2023 Answer Key
How to download KVS Answer Key 2023?
Step 1. Visit the official website at
Step 2. On the homepage, go to ‘Announcement’
Step 3. Now, click on the link that reads, “he link to view/challenge answer keys of PGT, TGT, PRT, AE, FO and Hindi Translator”
Step 4. A new page will open, login using your ‘Roll Number’ and ‘Date of Birth’
Step 5. A PDF of the answer key will open on the screen
Step 6. Download and take a printout of the same for future reference
The Samiti will get the challenges examined by a subject expert(s). If the challenge of the answer key is accepted, a policy decision will be notified on the website and the fee shall be refunded. The decision of the subject expert(s) on the challenges will be final and no further communication will be entertained.
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Saurav Pandey
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