KVS answer keys released for the post of Librarian, ASO, SSA and other posts

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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has released the answer keys for the post of librarian, ASO, SSA, Steno-II, JSA and PRT (Re-Exam). Candidates who appeared for the examination can download the answer keys from the official website at kvsangathan.nic.in.

KVS answer keys released for the post of Librarian, ASO, SSA and other posts

The KVS examination was conducted from March 1 to March 11. Candidates who are not satisfied with the answer keys can raise objections to the answer keys by March 20. Candidates have to pay 1000 per question challenged.

Visit the official website at kvsangathan.nic.in.

On the homepage, click on the “Link to view/challenge answer keys for JSA/SSA/ASO/Steno/Librarian/PRT(re-exam)”

Take a printout for future reference.

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By bpci

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