Jagran Josh
KVS Result 2023 for PRT and Principal has been released at kvsangathan.nic.in. Check Direct Link to Download PRT and Principal Selection List Here.
KVS Result 2023
KVS Result 2023 for PRT Music and Principal: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has announced the result of the online exam conducted for the post of Primary Teacher (PRT). Music and Principal on April 11 2023. Shortlisted candidates in the exam are required to appear for the interview.
The direct link to download KVS PRT Result and KVS Principal Result is provided in the article. Aspirants who appeared in the exam can click on the link and download Kendriya Vidyalaya Result.
KVS Result 2023: Check Interview Details for PRT Music and Principal
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan will be conducting interviews for the post of PRT (Music) from May 01 to 04, 2023 and for the post of Principal from May 01 to June 27, 2023.
How to Download KVS Result 2023 ?
- Visit the website of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan – kvsangathan.nic.in
- Now, click on PDF link given against ‘List of Shortlisted candidates for interview to the post of Primary Teacher (Music) through Direct Recruitment.’ OR ‘List of Shortlisted candidates for interview to the post of Principal through Direct Recruitment’
- Check roll numbers of shortlisted candidates
- Take the print out for future use
The candidates have been shortlisted on the basis of marks obtained by them in the Computer Based Test held on February 9, 2023 and February 8, 2023 for the post of PRT and Principal respectively.
#KVS #Result #PRT #Principal #Released #kvsangathan.nic.in #Download #PDF