Jagran Josh
LIC ADO Mains Admit Card 2023 will be available shortly on the official website. Get Direct Link to Download LIC ADO Phase 2 Call Letter Here.

LIC ADO Mains Admit Card 2023
LIC ADO Mains Admit Card 2023: Life Corporation of India (LIC) has recently announced the result of Phase 1 for Apprentice Development Officers, against 9394 vacancies. The result has been for each zone separately on the official website. Candidates who appeared and qualified in the LIC ADO Phase 1 Exam are now required to appear for LIC ADO Mains Exam 2023.
Aspirants can click on the provided link in order to download LIC ADO Phase 2 Admit Card from the official website.
LIC ADO Mains Exam Date 2023
LIC is conducting the mains exam for all shortlisted candidates on 23 April 2023. The mode of the exam will be online. The mains exam will be of 160 marks for 2 hours.
LIC ADO Mains Admit Card 2023
LIC will release the mains admit card for exam scheduled on April 23. The admit card will be available 7 to 10 days before the examination date on the link hosted on LIC’s website. Hence, it is expected that the admit card will be available in the second week of April 2023.
Candidate needs to affix their recent photograph on the call letter preferably the same as provided during registration and appear at the examination centre with admit card along with an original photo IID and photocopy of the same.
The candidates can check the simple steps to download LIC ADO Mains ADO Admit Card by visiting the official website.
Step 1: Visit the website of LIC – and go to the ‘Careers’ section
Step 2: Now, click on ‘Recruitment of Apprentice Development Officer 22-23’
Step 3: Click on the main admit card link available on the official website
Step 4: Now, enter your registration number or roll number and date of birth or password
Step 5: Download LIC ADO Mains Call Letter 2023
LIC ADO Phase 2 Exam Pattern 2023
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