Jagran Josh
Social Science Riddles for Class 10th Kids: Hello students! It’s time for a logical riddle. Here, we have presented a logical riddle from your Class 10 Book, Democratic Politics. We assure you it is going to be an important one.
Logical Social Science Riddles for 10th-Grade Students: Welcome to yet another interesting and informative riddle for Social Science. This time Class 10 students have to use their brainpower and general knowledge to guess the right answer. Here, we have written down a few lines in the form of a riddle. These are completely related to the answer. Students have to use their general knowledge and guess the right answer. We will give you only 7 seconds to solve this riddle. If you are able to do so, you are definitely a smart kid.
Riddles are a great source of gaining knowledge and storing that piece of information in your mind for a longer duration of time. Students should also solve riddles for taking both of the above-mentioned advantages, along with having fun. It is also advisable for students to keep indulging themselves in such fun yet educational activities for better understanding and learning.
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Logical Social Science Riddle for Class 10 Students
Logical Social Science Riddle for Class 10 Students
Social Studies Riddle for Class 10 is presented below:
I am the voice of the unheard
I represent Dalits, adivasis, OBCs, and religious minorities
at the national level
Formed in 1984, I am almost 50 years old
I formed my base in UP and neighboring states like MP, Chhatisgarh
I stand to secure the interests and welfare of the Dalits and oppressed people
Sahu Maharaj, Mahatma Phule, Periyar Ramaswami Naicker, and Babasaheb Ambedkar are my idols
I can be easily recognized by an elephant
Which political party am I?
And your time starts now!
Tick Tick 1
Tick Tick 2
Tick Tick 3
Hint: Class 10 Social Science Mind Maps 2023-2024
Tick Tick 4
Tick Tick 5
Tick Tick 6
Tick Tick 7
And your time is up!
Were you able to solve it in 7 seconds? If yes, congratulations you are one of the smart students in your class. But, if you couldn’t, we are here to guide you through the process and tips & tricks of solving riddles.
For now, click on the image to find the correct answer to this riddle.
We hope this riddle was useful to you and added to your learning. We will keep on presenting many more such fun riddles to you all. Keep tuning in to JagranJosh so that you don’t miss out on any fun educational riddle.
Also Find: NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science 2023-2024
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