Maths Puzzle for School Students: You Are A Math Genius If You Solve This Puzzle In 30 Seconds

Jagran Josh

Maths Puzzle for School Students: Which pizza is more – One 18” pizza pie, or two 12” pizza pies? All those students who think they know Maths very well are challenged to solve this Maths Puzzle within 30 seconds.

Maths Puzzle for Students: Math puzzles are a type of brain teaser that uses mathematical concepts to stump the solver. One is required to think outside the box to find the answer to a Puzzle. Thus, a Math puzzle can be a fun way to challenge your brain and improve your Mathematical skills.

Here’s one such puzzle which is going to test your smartness and hold over Mathematics.

Maths Puzzle

Which deal gets you the most pizza when each deal costs the same amount:

  • One 18” pizza pie, or
  • Two 12” pizza pies

Now, the real challenge is to solve this puzzle in 30 seconds.

And your time starts now!




Here are some tips for solving the Math puzzles:

Read the puzzle carefully and identify the key information.

Think about the different ways you can interpret the riddle.

Career Counseling

Use logic and reasoning to eliminate possible answers.

With a little practice, you’ll be solving math riddles like a pro in no time!




So, have you got your answer? Still not?

Ok, here’s a hint for you….

Do you know formula for area of a circle? If yes then you can solve this puzzle now.

Go, Hurry Up!




Yes, come on! You can do it….

I guess, you have solved the puzzle. You are a genius!

Would you like to check your answer?

Here’s the right answer for the Maths Puzzle given in this article.

Also Read| Tricky Science Riddle: You have a Topper’s Brain if you Solve this Riddle in 10 Seconds

To explore more such fun puzzles, and reliable study resources, visit

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By bpci

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