Jagran Josh
Mechanical Properties of Solids Class 11 MCQs: Get important MCQs created by subject experts for CBSE Class 11 Physics Chapter – Mechanical Properties of Solids. Download all questions and answers in PDF.
MCQs on Class 11 Mechanical Properties of Solids: This article brings the multiple choice questions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 8, Mechanical Properties of Solids to prepare important MCQs for the CBSE Class 11 annual exam 2023-24. All the questions have been prepared by subject experts wherein they have covered all important concepts from the chapter. Moreover, the questions are based on the new CBSE syllabus and also are according to the revised content of NCERT Class 11 Physics Book. Therefore, the MCQs provided below form the best resource for the 2023-24 exam preparations. You can read as well as download all questions and answers in PDF from the direct link provided towards the end of the article.
CBSE Class 11 Physics Syllabus 2023-24
CBSE Class 11 Physics Deleted Syllabus 2023-24
Check MCQs with Answers for Class 11 Physics Chapter – Mechanical Properties of Solids below:
1.There are two wires of same material and same length while the diameter of second wire is two times the diameter of first wire, then the ratio of extension produced in the wires by applying same load will be
(a) 1 : 1
(b) 2 : 1
(c) 1 : 2
(d) 4 : 1
Answer:(d) 4 : 1
2.Which of the following has no dimensions ?
(a) strain
(b) angular velocity
(c) momentum
(d) angular momentum
Answer:(a) strain
3.Which one of the following is not a unit of Young’s modulus ?
(a) Nm–1
(b) Nm–2
(c) dyne cm–2
(d) mega pascal
Answer:(a) Nm–1
5.According to Hooke’s law of elasticity, if stress is increased, then the ratio of stress to strain
(a) becomes zero
(b) remains constant
(c) decreases
(d) increases
Answer:(b) remains constant
6.The length of an iron wire is L and area of cross-section is A. The increase in length is l on applying
the force F on its two ends. Which of the statement is correct?
(a) Increase in length is inversely proportional to its length
(b) Increase in length is proportional to area of cross-section
(c) Increase in length is inversely proportional to area of cross-section
(d) Increase in length is proportional to Young’s modulus
Answer:(c) Increase in length is inversely proportional to area of cross-section
17.A wire is stretched to double of its length. The strain is
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) zero
(d) 0.5
Answer:(b) 1
8.Hooke’s law defines
(a) stress
(b) strain
(c) modulus of elasticity
(d) elastic limit
Answer:(c) modulus of elasticity
9.In case of steel wire (or a metal wire), the limit is reached when
(a) the wire just break
(b) the load is more than the weight of wire
(c) elongation is inversely proportional to the tension
(d) None of these
Answer:(d) None of these
10.When an elastic material with Young’s modulus Y is subjected to stretching stress S, elastic energy
stored per unit volume of the material is
(a) YS / 2
(b) S2Y / 2
(c) S2/ 2Y
(d) S / 2Y
Answer:(c) S2/ 2Y
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