MCQs for CBSE Class 11 Physics Motion In A Plane: Based on Revised Syllabus

Jagran Josh

Motion In A Plane Class 11 MCQs: Get here the important MCQs prepared by experts to prepare for the CBSE Class 11 Physics Annual Exam 2023-24. Download all questions and answers in PDF.

MCQs on Class 11 Motion In A Plane: MCQs are a good way to promote competency-based learning and assess a student’s ability to apply knowledge and skills in real-life situations. That is why CBSE has emphasised an increase in the weightage of MCQs in the year-end exams. Considering this, we have collated important MCQs for Class 11 students to help them with easy and effective preparations for their annual exams. In this article, we have provided MCQs for Class 11 Physics Chapter 3, Motion In A Plane. All the questions have been prepared by subject experts and they have intended to cover all important concepts in the chapter. Moreover, the questions are based on the new CBSE syllabus and hence are the best resource for the 2023-24 exam preparations. You can read as well as download all questions and answers in PDF from the direct link provided towards the end of the article.


CBSE Class 11 Physics Syllabus 2023-24

CBSE Class 11 Physics Deleted Syllabus 2023-24

Check MCQs with Answers for Class 11 Physics Chapter – Motion In A Plane below:

1.The direction of the angular velocity vector is along

(a) the tangent to the circular path

(b) the outward radius

(c) the inward radius

(d)the axis of rotation

Answer:(a) the tangent to the circular path

2.A particle moves in a plane with a constant acceleration in a direction different from the initial velocity. The path of the particle is a/an

(a) ellipse

(b) straight

(c) arc of a circle



3.A vector quantity with both magnitude and direction obeys

(a)triangle law addition

(b)law of momentum

(c)law of inertia


Answer:(a)triangle law addition

4.Vectors cannot be added algebraically. The statement is

(a)always true

(b) always false

(c) not always true

(d) None of the above

Answer:(c) not always true

5.Which of the following is the essential characteristic of a projectile?

(a) Zero velocity at the highest point

(b) Initial velocity inclined to the horizontal

(c) Constant acceleration perpendicular to the velocity

(d) None of these

Answer:(c) Constant acceleration perpendicular to the velocity

6.In uniform circular motion, the centripetal force acting on an object is:

(a) Parallel to the motion of the object.

(b) Perpendicular to the motion of the object.

(c) Opposite to the motion of the object.

(d) Tangential to the circular path.

Answer: (b) Perpendicular to the motion of the object.

7.The time of flight of the projectile motion is given by


(b) usinθ/g

(c) 2usinθ/g



8.The angle of projection, for which the horizontal range and the maximum height of a projectile are equal, is:

(a) 45°

(b) T = tan–1(0.25)

(c) T = tan–1

(d) none of these

Answer:(c) T = tan–1

9.iv) Centripetal acceleration can be mathematically expressed as

(a) ac = ω2/R

(b) ac = ω/R2

(c) ac= R2

(d) ac = ω2R

Answer:(d) ac = ω2R

10.The scalar product of two vectors A= 3i -4j +5 k and B = -2i +j -3k is

(a) 25

(b) 35

(c) -35

(d) -25

Answer:(c) not always true

Download MCQs on CBSE Class 11 Physics Chapter – Motion In A Plane in PDF

Also Read:

NCERT Book for Class 11 Physics (Revised)

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics


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