Jagran Josh
Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion Class 11 MCQs: Get MCQs by experts on CBSE Class 11 Physics Chapter – Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion. Download all questions and answers in PDF.
MCQs on Class 11 Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion: Preparing MCQs has become essential after the introduction new exam pattern for the 2023-24 session. As per the revised assessment scheme, the question papers in annual exams will have MCQs with an increased weightage. Considering this, we have collated important MCQs for Class 11 students to help them with easy and effective preparations for their annual exams. In this article, we have provided MCQs for Class 11 Physics Chapter 6, Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion. All the questions have been prepared by subject experts covering all important concepts in the chapter. Moreover, the questions are based on the new CBSE syllabus and hence form the best resource for the 2023-24 exam preparations. You can read as well as download all questions and answers in PDF from the direct link provided towards the end of the article.
CBSE Class 11 Physics Syllabus 2023-24
CBSE Class 11 Physics Deleted Syllabus 2023-24
Check MCQs with Answers for Class 11 Physics Chapter – Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion below:
1.A body is under the action of two equal and oppositely directed forces and the body is rotating with constant acceleration. Which of the following cannot be the separation between the lines of action of the forces?
(a) zero
(b) 0.25m
(c) 0.4m
(d) 1.0m
Answer:(a) zero
2.A wheel has radius 10cm and is coupled by a belt to another wheel of radius 30cm. The smaller wheel increases its speed from rest at a uniform rate of π rads-2. The speed of larger wheel become 100 rpm after
(a) 2s
(b) 5s
(c) 20s
(d) 10s
Answer:(d) 10s
3.Three identical balls each of radius 10cm and mass 1kg each are placed touching each other on a horizontal surface. Where is their C.M. located?
(a) At the centre of one ball
(b) On the horizontal surface
(c) At the point of contact of any two spheres
(d) None of these
Answer:(b) On the horizontal surface
4.A body of mass M slides down an inclined plane and reaches the bottom with velocity v. If a ring of same mass rolls down the same inclined plane, what will be its velocity on reaching the bottom?
(a) v2
(b) v/√2
(c) v
(d) √2v
Answer:(b) v/√2
5.Three thin iron rods each of mass M and length l are welded so as to form an equilateral triangle. The M.I. about the axis passing through the C.M. and perpendicular to its plane is
(a) Ml2
(b) Ml2/3
(c) Ml2/2
(d) Ml2/4
Answer:(c) Ml2/2
6.A body rolls without slipping. The radius of gyration of the body about an axis passing through its centre of mass is K. If radius of the body be R, then what is the ratio of its rotational K.E. to transitional K.E.?
(a) K2/ R2
(b) K2/ (K2+ R2)
(c) R2/(K2+ R2)
(d) K2 + R2
Answer:(a) K2/ R2
7.A string of length l fixed at one end carries a mass M at the other end. The string makes 2π revolutions per second around a vertical axis through the fixed end. The tension in the string is
(a) Ml
(b) 2Ml
(d) 4Ml
(d) 16Ml
Answer:(d) 4Ml
8.A ring of radius R slides down an inclined plane and reaches the bottom with speed v. If the radius of the ring is doubled keeping its M.I. constant, the speed at the bottom of the inclined plane will be
(a) v
(b) 2v
(c) √2v
(d) v/√2
Answer:(a) v
9.The pendulum consists of a sphere of mass m suspended with a flexible wire of length l. If the breaking strength of the wire is 2mg, then the angular displacement that can be given to the pendulum is
(a) 30°
(b) 45°
(c) 60°
(d) 90°
Answer:(c) 60°
10.A uniform rod of length l is rotating horizontally with uniform angular speed co about a vertical axis passing through its one end. The force exerted on the rod is
(a) mlω2
(b) ml2ω2
(c) 12ml2ω2
(d) 12mlω
Answer:(d) 12mlω
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