1) Mention what are the features available in publisher 2013?

Publisher 2013 allows to insert and format pictures in different ways

  • Publisher makes it easier to work with batches of photos, it enables you to drag and drop pictures onto the publication page or swap one picture for another
  • To switch two pictures, either both on the same page or with one in the scratch area. Drag the picture by mountain icon and release it to the target site
  • You can also create a picture background in new publisher 2013, by right click on the picture all the option for the background will appear, and you can choose as per requirement
  • You can enhance the picture appearance by adding effects on the picture like shadow, reflections, 3D rotations to your pictures, bevels, and soft edges
  • You can also use new effects to the text in your publications like glows and reflection bevels
  • It enables you to save each page of your publication as JPEG picture such that you can quickly upload page or image to a photo center website for printing

2) Explain what to do when the text box you have created has too much text?

When the text box you have created has too much text then, you can use the feature link the text box.

  • On too much text in your text box, a little box with ellipse appears in the lower right of the text box
  • This box will create a new text box for your existing text box
  • Click the overflow indicator and your cursor will become a pitcher
  • Now switch to the new text box and click – the extra or excess text will appear in a new box you have created
  • Until you don’t finish with your complete texts, you can keep repeating this process

3) Explain how you can divide a Text Box into columns?

To split a text box into columns, you have to click the text box under the FORMAT menu, and then click columns.  When entering text into one column, it will flow over into the next. Another way to create a column is to create one text box per column. This way the text is constrained to the individual text box and cannot drift between text boxes.

4) Mention what is the difference between MS word and MS publisher?

  • MS word: It is designed for writing documents, add page numbering, table of contents, indexes, references, footnotes and annotations
  • MS publisher: It is designed for creating brochures, newsletters and greeting cards that have graphically rich content and requires precise positioning of text and graphics

5) Explain how you can change the publication template in MS publisher?

To change the publication template in MS publisher, you need to

  • Open publisher and on FILE menu you have to click on NEW
  • Then, click on MY TEMPLATES, and then double-click the name of a template
  • Make the alteration that you want to make for the template
  • Click SAVE AS under FILE menu
  • Under SAVE AS TYPE box, choose PUBLISHER TEMPLATE, and then choose a new name for the template
  • After that click SAVE

6) Explain how to add a duplicate page in MS Publisher?

To add a duplicate page in MS Publisher

  • On the page sorter, right-click the page you want to copy
  • Click Insert Duplicate Page on the shortcut menu

A duplicate page will be added into the publication immediately after the selected page

7) Explain how to delete a page in MS publisher?

In MS publisher when you delete a page, only text and objects particular to that page are deleted, along with the page. For instance, if the page consists of a text from a chain of merged frames, the text will move to an adjacent page.

  • Open the page you want to delete
  • Click Delete Page option on the EDIT menu
  • If you are in two-page spread view, a dialog box will appear displaying Delete Page option. Select the option you wanted and then click OK

8) Can you save a Publisher File in SkyDrive?

SkyDrive helps to share files more efficiently with others and save files on your network computers without the use of any external storage devices such as USB drive.

To save a Publisher File in SkyDrive, you must have an internet connection and a Micro-Soft Account. The process to save Publisher File to SkyDrive is very straightforward.

9) Explain how you can create watermarks in Publisher?

A watermark effect can be produced in Publisher, by uploading an image file or by using the WordArt to create customs design.

We will see one of the common method used for watermarks in Publisher

  • Select the VIEW tab and click the MASTER PAGE option from the pull down menu
  • It will open edit Master Pages task panel on the left side of the application window
  • Now in the Edit Master Pages panel select the Master A option
  • Choose the arrow icon at the top of the Edit Master pages panel
  • Select Edit from the pull-down menu
  • Now, Master page is ready for edit
  • Now, click on the picture frame button on the objects toolbar positioned on the far left side of the application window
  • After that from the sub-menu, click the EMPTY PICTURE FRAME option and click the location in the document where water-mark is to be placed
  • You can adjust the size or edge of the picture frame as needed
  • Picture frame is configured and ready to receive a graphic file

10) Mention what is the advancement in printing in MS publisher 2013?

A new feature in MS publisher 2013 referred as Photo Printing, it enables printing of documents through online services.  The Export, Pack & Go list now includes an option to save each page in the document as either a TIF or JPG file, such that it can be easily sent for printing, without any trouble.

By bpci