Most Expected Questions for UPPSC PCS Mains: Top Questions Asked

Jagran Josh

Most Expected Questions for UPPSC PCS Mains: Get here the top questions that are repeatedly asked in uppsc. Check the questions asked from History, Geography, Polity, Economy of Science & Technology, etc. with influence on UP.

Most Expected Questions for UPPSC PCS Mains: Top Questions Asked

Most Expected Questions for UPPSC PCS Mains: Top Questions Asked

Most Expected Questions for UPPSC PCS Mains Exam 2023: The UPPSC PCS mains exam is scheduled to be conducted from September 26 to September 29, 2023. The uppsc mains exam is subjective and consists of 8 papers i.e. General Hindi, Essay, General Studies (GS) Paper 1, 2, 3, 4, and two papers of optional subjects

In the article below we have compiled the top questions for GS Papers that are frequently asked in the uppsc exam. Students are recommended to go through the questions provided below.

Most Expected Questions for UPPSC PCS Mains General Studies

Check the top questions provided below that are repeatedly asked in the examination from GS 1, 2, 3, and 4 which consist of topics like history, geography, polity, science and technology, current events, etc. with special influence on Uttar Pradesh

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Top Questions from GS 1

  1. What is a ‘Smart City Mission’? Discuss the main characteristics of cities of Eastern Uttar

Pradesh was selected under this scheme. 

  1. Discuss the causes of volcanic eruption and describe the land-forms formed by the deposition of its lava. 
  1. Describe the location of major tourist places of Bundelkhand Tourist Circuit of U.P.
  2. What is ‘reverse migration’? What was its impact on the economy and social order of Uttar Pradesh during the COVID-19 Lockdown? 
  3. Underline the changes happening gradually in the sources of irrigation in U.P. 

Top Questions from GS 2

  1. ‘Article 32 is the soul of the Indian Constitution.’ Explain it in brief.
  2. “The President of India cannot become a dictator.” Explain.
  3. Examine the efforts of Uttar Pradesh in attracting multi-national companies so as to boost the  economy of the state in the wake of labour migration during the Pandemic.
  4. Evaluate the impact of welfare schemes implemented for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by Uttar Pradesh Government. 
  5. What do you know about ‘Quadrilateral Security Dialogue’ (QUAD) 7 Whether Malabar Military exercise would be successful in containment of growing influence of China in world politics? 

Top Questions from GS 3

  1. What is ‘S-CNG’ 7 Describe its different uses. 
  2. At present in emerging security challenges, how nuclear weapons can be advantageous in India’s security management? Explain it. 
  3. What is meant by ‘Technology Mission’ in Indian agriculture ? Discuss its objectives
  4. What is the Public Private Partnership Model in defence?
  5. Analyse ‘Money Laundering’ and ‘Human Trafficking’ as a non-traditional security challenges. 

Top Questions from GS 4

  1. “Public service is recognised on the basis of tolerance and compassion towards the weaker section of the society.” Explain the values of tolerance and compassion in this context.
  2. “Effective administration requires dedication towards Public Service.” Explain. 
  3. What do you understand by the term ‘Public Servant’? What kind of aptitude is considered important for the civil services? Explain
  4. What is Kant’s doctrine of ‘duty for duty’s sake’ ? What is the role of this principle in civil services? Discuss. 
  5. Social influence and persuasion contributed in controlling the spread of the Corona Virus in India. Discuss. 

Check UPPSC PCS Mains Exam Schedule


What were the top questions asked on the uppsc exam?

uppsc repeatedly asked questions on certain types. In the article above we have discussed the top questions of uppsc pcs mains paper

What are the topics that are asked in the uppsc pcs mains exam?

The uppsc asked questions about the history, geography, polity, current events with special influence to Uttar Pradesh

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