MP Board 10th, 12th Result (12:30): Download MPBSE HSC HSSC Marks Online at,

Jagran Josh

Check MPBSE Result 2023 through DigiLocker

This is the most trendy method to check the result these days. This is useful to download ‘MP Board Marksheet and Certificate’. Check steps to download the result on Digilocker.

Step 1: Create your account your account on Digilocker using

Step 2: Log in to the DigiLocker or website

Step 3:Add your Aadhar Number.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Pull Partner Documents’ button in the left sidebar

Step 5: Now, select ‘Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE)’ or ‘‘Madhya Pradesh Board of Sr Secondary Education (MPBSE)’

Step 6: Choose Marksheet 

Step 7:Enter the year of passing and roll number

Step 8: Fill in all the details as per your ‘MP Board 12th Admit Card 2023’ or ‘MP Board 12th Admit Card 2023’

Step 9:Download your ‘MPBSE 1Oth Marksheet’ or ‘MPBSE 12th Marksheet’

Check MP 10th 12th Result 2023 though ‘MP Board App’

Step 1- Download MPBSE Mobile App or MP Mobile App.

Step 2- Enter mobile number, roll code,etc.

Step 3 – Download MPBSE 10th Scorecard or MPBSE 12th Scorecard

Check MPBSE 10th 12th Result 2023 through UMANG 

UMANG is a mobile application developed by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and National e-Governance Division (NeGD). Chek step-by-step guide to download MPBSE 10th Result and MPBSE 12th Result. It is to be noted that, this method is not yet confirmed by the board.

Step 1: Download ‘UMANG App’ on your phone 

Step 2: After downloading the app, ‘Click on the DigiLocker’ option from the bottom of the screen and Sign in or Sign up using the Meri Pehchaan Portal.

Step 3: Provide the OTP 

Step 4: Search for MPBSE

Step 5: Choose ‘MP 10th result 2023’ or ‘MP 12th result 2023’

Step 6: Furnish your name and roll number

Step 7: Check your result

Check MPBSE 10 Class Result 2023 and MPBSE 12 Class Result 2023 through SMS? 

This is the offline method to check the marks of the students which is helpful when the internet is not working.

  • For 10th Result: Send ‘MPBSE10 (space) roll number’ to ‘56263’. For example ‘MPBSE 10 123456’
  • For 12th Result: Send ‘MPBSE12 (space) roll number’ to ‘56263’. For example ‘MPBSE 12 123456’

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#Board #10th #12th #Result #Download #MPBSE #HSC #HSSC #Marks #Online

By bpci

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