MP Board 10th Syllabus 2023-24: Download Revised MPBSE Class 10 Syllabus PDF

Jagran Josh

MPBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024: Students can find attached the updated MPBSE Class 10 Syllabus for the current academic session 2023-2024. MPBSE 2024 Board Examinations aspirants must download it for future reference.

MPBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024: Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh has published its updated MPBSE Class 10 Syllabus for the current academic year 2023-2024. Students can find the detailed MPBSE 2024 Syllabus here. Subject-wise syllabus for all important subjects has been linked here for your convenience. You have to click on the link of your subject to find the complete updated syllabus. Those who want to download it can also use the PDF download links attached at the end of each article.

It is essential for students to have a look at the current syllabus before they step ahead in their academic journey. Going through the revised syllabus helps students in identifying which chapters and topics have to study, which of them might be important from the exam’s point of view, and which chapter consists of what amount of marks weightage. It is impossible for students to score well in their annual examinations without having a fair idea and understanding of their curriculum. 

How to Download MPBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2023-2024

Students can follow the below-mentioned steps to download MPBSE Class 10 Syllabus easily:

Step 1: Go to MP Board’s government website,

Step 2: Close the pop-up appearing on the screen, by clicking on the cross mark present at the top of the pop-up

Step 3: Scroll down the home page to find ‘Academics’

Step 4: Click on Academics

Step 5: Read the new updates to find the syllabus

Step 6: Click on the link of the syllabus

Step 7: Scroll through the PDF to find the syllabus for class 10.

Step 8: Find the subject and look at the syllabus

You can easily find syllabuses for your subject by following these 8 easy steps. The PDF you will come across contains a detailed syllabus for classes 9 to 12. Students have to scroll down through the PDF to find the syllabus for Class 10 and search for your relevant subject. To save you from the above process, we have attached links to the detailed MPBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2023-2024 here.

MPBSE conducts examinations for subjects like English, Hindi, Maths, Social Science, Science, Drawing and Painting, Classical Singing, Computers, Sanskrit, and Regional Languages (Urdu, Punjabi, Marathi). Find the relevant syllabus as per your subject in this article.

MPBSE Subject-wise Syllabus 2023-24

Students can tune in to our website, Jagran Josh, for MPBSE’s exam pattern, previous year’s question papers, sample papers, and other relevant exam resources.

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