Jagran Josh
MPBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2023: Students can find MPBSE Revised Home Science Syllabus for Class 12. Also, find attached a PDF download link and marking scheme pattern, here.

Get here detailed MP Board MPBSE Class 12th Home Science Syllabus and paper pattern
MPBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2023: Students can find MPBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus for the current academic session 2023-2024, here. Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education has recently released its syllabuses for classes 9 to 12 for the current academic session 2023-2024. To find a detailed syllabus for Class 12 Home Science, students can check this article. We have also attached a PDF download link below for students to download and save for future use. Also, find attached the marking scheme for Class 12 Home Science here.
Students appearing for MPBSE Class 12 Home Science Board Examination in 2024 must refer to this article before stepping ahead in their board exam preparation journey. It is vital for students to have a look at the syllabus and marking scheme for each subject before they begin their exam preparations. The syllabus lists down the chapters and topics to be studied for the exam and the marking scheme allots importance to each of the chapters presented in the syllabus. So, inorder to build a plan and strategize time management, syllabus, and marking scheme are important for the preparation of examinations.
MPBSE Class 12 Subject-wise Syllabus 2023-2024
MPBSE Class 12 Home Science Marking Scheme
Find Madhya Pradesh Board’s Marking Scheme for Class 12 Home Science subject below:
Chapters |
Marks |
Respiratory system, Circulatory system |
06 |
Excretory system, Ductless glands |
09 |
First Aid |
06 |
Income Management, Savings & Investments |
10 |
Food groups, Malnutrition, Energy |
06 |
Food Preservation |
03 |
Food adulteration, the housewife as a consumer |
08 |
Textile Science, Cutting, and Stitching, History of Ancient Indian Embroidery |
11 |
Heredity and Environment |
07 |
Adolescence, Yoga, and Health |
04 |
Total |
70 |
- Question No 1 to 5 will consist of 28 Objective type questions. Each question will be for 01 mark.
Question No 1- Choose the correct answer (06 marks)
Question No 2- Fill in the blanks (06 marks)
Question No 3- True or False (06 marks)
Question No 4- Match the following (05 marks)
Question No 5- Pick the odd one out (05 marks)
- Question No 6 to 12 will consist of 07 Questions. Each question will be for 02 marks.
- Question No 13 to 16 will consist of 04 Questions. Each question will be for 03 marks.
- Question No 17 to 20 will consist of 04 Questions. Each question will be for 04 marks.
For complete Marking Scheme, click on the link below
MPBSE Class 12 Home Science Syllabus 2023-2024 in English
Chapters |
Respiratory system,Circulatory system |
Excretory system, Ductless glands |
First Aid |
Income Management, Savings & Investments |
Food groups, Malnutrition, Energy |
Food Preservation |
Food adulteration, the housewife as a consumer |
Textile Science, Cutting and Stitching, History of Ancient Indian Embroidery |
Heredity and Environment |
Adolescence, Yoga and Health |
MPBSE Class 12 Psychology Syllabus 2023-2024 in Hindi
अध्याय |
श्वसन तंत्र, रक्त परिसंचरण तंत्र |
उत्सर्जन तंत्र, नलिका विहीन ग्रंथियाँ |
प्राथमिक चिकित्सा |
आय प्रबंदन, बचत व निवेश |
भोज्य समूह, कुपोषण, ऊर्जा |
भोज्य पदार्थों का संरक्षण |
आहार में मिलावट, गृहिणी एक उपभोक्ता के रूप में |
वस्त्र विज्ञान, कटाई तथा सिलाई, प्राचीन भारतीय कढ़ाई का इतिहास |
वंशानुक्रम एवं वातावरण |
किशोरावस्था, योग एवं स्वास्थ्य |
To download the MPBSE Class 12 Psychology Syllabus, click on the link below
#Board #12th #Home #Science #Syllabus #Download #Revised #MPBSE #Psychology #Syllabus #PDF