MP Board 9th Science Syllabus 2023-24: Download Revised MPBSE Science Syllabus PDF

Jagran Josh

MPBSE Class 9 Science Syllabus 2023: The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Examination has recently released the syllabus for class 9 for the academic year 2023-24. This article provides information about the marking scheme of Science and its syllabus for class 9 students appearing for MPBSE examinations for the year 2023-24. The link to download the syllabus is also available at the end of this article.

Thе class 9 Sciеnce paper of thе MPBSE curriculum is a crucial choicе among studеnts taking thе class 9 MP board еxams. Thе Madhya Pradеsh Board of Sеcondary Examination (MPBSE) has rеcеntly madе availablе thе syllabus for both mandatory and elective subjects for the upcoming class 9 еxams in thе 2023-24 acadеmic yеar. To ensure strong preparation for thе MPBSE Class 9th еxams, studеnts should carefully rеviеw the syllabus and grading system, allowing them to effectively plan thеir approach for thе MBSE class 9th еxaminations. 

Science Syllabus for MPBSE Class 9th Exams (2023-24)

The detailed syllabus for Science for MPBSE class 9th Exam of the academic year 2023-24 is provided here;

Science Marking Scheme for MPBSE Class 9th Exams (2023-24)

The detailed marking scheme for Science for MPBSE class 9th Exam of the academic year 2023-24 is provided here;

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What are the passing marks out of 75 in the MP board Class 9th Science exam?

The passing marks out of 80 in the MP board Class 9th Science exam is 24.75.

Is MPBSE Science class 9 syllabus pdf download available for free?

Yes, you can download the MPBSE Science class 9 syllabus pdf through this article. Click on the link provided at the end of the article to download the complete syllabus PDF and also go through the marking scheme.

How many questions are there in MP Board 9th Science Exam according to syllabus and marking scheme for 2023 – 24?

There are 23 questions in the MP Board 9th Science Exam according to the syllabus and marking scheme for 2023 – 24.

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