MP Minister Dharmendra Singh Lodhi Criticizes English Medium Schools for Cultural Disconnect – Times of India

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BHOPAL: Madhya Pradesh Minister Dharmendra Singh Lodhi has remarked that students attending English medium schools are increasingly disconnected from their traditions and cultural heritage. A video of Lodhi, who serves as the state minister for culture and tourism, making these comments during a Hindi Diwas event on Saturday has recently emerged on social media.
During the programme in Bhopal, Lodhi said children studying in English-medium schools follow the Western culture.
“Our ancestors used to say, ‘asato ma sadgamaya, tamaso ma jyotirgamaya’, meaning lead me from ignorance to truth and darkness to light. But children studying in English medium schools light a candle and blow it out, moving from light to darkness. And when the cake that is blown and spitted on is eaten by all, they feel that they have become progressive,” he said.
The minister further said that earlier, children would visit temples, and light lamps and feasts would be organised to mark birthdays, but things have changed.
He said people come close to the country’s glorious traditions and culture by communicating in Hindi.

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By bpci

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