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In order to access results online, students will be required to enter details like class, roll number or OS number at the login window of the website. The MPSOS Open School exam result 2023 will contain essential details such as the student’s name, roll number, parent’s name, date of birth, overall grade, subject-wise grade breakdown, and qualification status.
MPSOS Open School Exams for the June session were conducted for a duration of three hours and all subjects carried 100 marks each. Students can follow the below-mentioned steps to download their MPSOS 2023 result scores online or click on the direct link provided below.
How to download MPSOS Result 2023?
Step 1: Visit the official website at
Step 2: On the homepage, scroll down to Open School Exam June 2023 Class 10th and 12th link.
Step 3: Select the exam and key in your roll number/OS roll number and submit.
Step 4: The MPSOS results for open school exams will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download the same and take a printout for future use.
Direct Link: Download Result
Recently, authorities declared the MPSOS Ruk Jana Nahi Result for Class 10 & 12, Aa Laut Chale results, and CBSE on-demand examinations. For further details, students are suggested to check out the official website.
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Ravi Shankar
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