NABARD Grade A RDBS exam 2023: Admit card expected soon at; Check how to download – Times of India

Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

The NABARD is expected to release the admit card for (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) NABARD Grade A (Rural Development Banking Service) RDBS recruitment exam 2023, on its official website-
The NABARD Grade A RDBS Mains exam 2023 is scheduled to take place on 16th October 2023.
Vacancies details

Section UR SC ST OBC EWS Total
General 31 11 9 18 8 77
Computer/ Information Technology 16 6 1 14 3 40
Finance 3 4 1 5 2 15
Company Secretary 2 1 3
Civil Engineering 1 1 1 3
Electrical Engineering 1 1 1 3
Geo Informatics 2 2
Forestry 1 1 2
Food Processing 1 1 2
Statistics 2 2
Mass Communication/Media Specialist 1 1
Total 61 22 12 41 14 150

Exam pattern
The preliminary examination comprises the following tests:

Section Number of questions Allotted marks
Test of Reasoning 20 20
English Language 30 30
Computer Knowledge 20 20
Quantitative Aptitude 20 20
Decision Making 10 10
General Awareness 20 20

Candidates are required to qualify in all of the sections. The Merit Section includes General Awareness, Eco & Soc. Issues, and Agriculture & Rural Development, and the shortlisting for the Main exam is based on marks scored in this section.
How to apply
Step 1: Visit the official NABARD website by going to
Step 2: Navigate to the “Career” section on the website.
Step 3: Inside the “Career” section, locate the NABARD Grade A Recruitment 2023.
Step 4: Within the NABARD Grade A Recruitment 2023 section, find the link for the NABARD Grade A Prelims Admit Card 2023.
Step 5: Provide your login credentials along with the captcha code and then click the “Submit” button to initiate the download of the NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Admit Card 2023.
Step 6: Download the admit card – The NABARD Grade A Prelims call letter/admit card for 2023 will be displayed on your screen. Save it in PDF format and print a copy for future reference.
Candidates who secure the position of Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ within the Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS) at NABARD will assume a pivotal role in the realm of rural and agricultural development.
Their responsibilities encompass the implementation and vigilant monitoring of various government schemes, policies, and programs geared towards the betterment of rural areas. This involves providing vital financial support to state governments, banks, and other financial institutions to facilitate the realization of rural development projects.

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By bpci

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