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NATA 2023: The Council of Architecture (CoA) has declared the results of the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) 2023 test 1 today, April 30, 2023. Candidates who appeared for the NATA 2023 test 1 on April 21 can check their results on the official website of NATA-
The NATA 2023 test 1 had a total of 10,901 registered candidates, of which 10,105 candidates appeared, recording an attendance of 93%.
Candidates can calculate and predict their scores by comparing their response sheets with the revised version of the NATA answer key 2023, released by CoA on April 29, 2023. To download the NATA 2023 test 1 results, candidates need to visit the official website, click on the NATA results 2023 link on the homepage, enter their credentials and the NATA test 1 results will appear on the screen.
The council has also extended the registrations for NATA test 2 and 3 till May 22, up to 8 PM. As per the official statement, if a candidate appears for two tests, the best of the two scores will be considered as the valid score, and in the case of three attempts, the average of the two best scores will be taken as the valid score.
The NATA 2023 exam was for 200 marks and had multiple choice questions (MCQs), multiple select questions (MSQs), preferential choice type (PCQ) questions, match the following type (MFQ) questions and numerical answer type (NAQ) questions. Candidates that have passed their 10+2 or equivalent exam with Mathematics as one of the subjects can apply for NATA 2023. The NATA score is used for admission to 5-year B.Arch programs in various institutes across the country.
#NATA #Test #Results #Declared #Today #Test #Registrations #Open