National Education Day 2023: Poster Drawings, Slogans and Short Speeches Here!

Jagran Josh

National Education Day 2023: We have brought to you poster drawings, slogans, and short speeches on National Education Day 2023. Also, find some interesting details about the National Education Day. This information will help you prepare well for your speech competitions, slogan writing competitions, and poster competitions.

National Education Day 2023: 11th November is celebrated as National Education Day in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, the first education minister of India. This has been done to pay homage and tribute to Maulana Aazad for his great achievements and contributions to the education sector of the nation. Every year, the nation celebrates Education Day with a dedicated theme set by the Ministry of Education. Based on the theme, the government and schools organize various activities and events to impart a particular message set as per the theme. To assist your National Education Day 2023 celebrations, find the poster drawing and slogan ideas along with a few short speeches on National Education Day. But, let us first know about the theme of National Education Day 2023 below. 

National Education Day 2023 Theme

The theme of National Education 2023 is “Innovative Learning for Sustainable Future”. Through this theme, the government of India and the Ministry of Education want to impart the importance of innovative learning, and practical learning to students to build a sustainable future. The theme aims at teaching students to understand the importance of practical knowledge and adapting to it, leaving behind the formula of rote learning. Practical learning helps in building a sustainable future since the more practically you understand and take the knowledge, the more practical and innovative solutions you can bring to the table. 

Along the same lines, the government has also introduced the National Education Policy into the education system in India. NEP 2023, aims at focusing on practical learning in students. To ensure its implementation, the curriculum is being updated, assessment formats have been changed, and the reintroduction of new education policies has been made into the education system in India. 

National Education Day 2023 Poster Drawing Ideas 

Find the National Education Day 2023 poster drawing ideas below. These drawing and poster ideas will help you decorate your classrooms and notice boards. You can also use them in decorating your event venue if required. Students who have taken part in the poster drawing competitions can take poster ideas from here and create something impactful of their own. 

1. Drawing that talks about National Education Day– This poster drawing will focus on wishing National Education Day or informing people about the day in any manner. It can be as simple as just reflecting on the message that National Education Day is about education in India. 

Source: YouTube

Source: YouTube

2. Importance of Education– Through this poster drawing, students can reflect upon the importance of education in the lives of children. The drawing can further explore different aspects of the importance of education such as the impact it creates in society, the jobs it creates, and more. 

Source: The Indian School

Source: Facebook

3. Impact of Education- The poster will inform people about the impact of education on the society and nation as a whole. These posters can focus on showing changes brought about by the education of children. 

Source: Pinterest

Source: LinkedIn

4. Girl Education– Draw poster drawings related to girl education and its importance. These drawings can focus on the impact an educated girl can make and the difference education can create in the lives of females. 

Source: YouTube

Source: Pinterest

National Education Day 2023 Slogans

Here, slogans on National Education Day 2023 have been presented for students to create an impact in the minds of people. It is believed that words have the power to change the world. If any of these slogans presented below could move you or widen your thought process, please make sure to pick them up and present them in front of the world so that we can work towards changing the world. 

  1. Education changes your bad today into good tomorrow
  2. Better education equals a better nation
  3. The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice
  4. Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school- Albert Einstein
  5. Give a man an education, and he will build a new world
  6. Life is the best teacher, education makes us understand its lessons
  7. Knowledge is power, education is its source
  8. Education can lead to the world you need
  9. The first impression is not made by the looks, but by what you have learned from the books
  10. Education is the most powerful weapon a human needs to fight any battle

National Education Day 2023 Short Speech

Find the National Education Day speech below. This speech on National Education Day 2023 will help you know in detail about the national education day and why is it celebrated with so much enthusiasm and dedication in India. 

Good Morning to one and all present here. Today, I, name of the student, from grade, is here to deliver a short speech on National Education Day 2023. 

National Education Day is celebrated to inform citizens about the importance of education and imply the same in real life. India observes National Education Day on 11th November every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, the first education minister of India. The day aims at paying homage to the great contributions made by him in building the education sector in India. To continue the process of changing and updating the education system as per the needs and requirements of the current generation, there’s a ministry dedicated to constantly working on it. 

For 2023, National Education Day is themed “Innovative Learning for Sustainable Future”. Based on this theme, the government and schools will be organizing various important activities and events, to impart the idea behind the message. The message of the theme is to inform students about the importance of practical learning and how it can contribute to building a sustainable future. 

National Education Day is primarily celebrated to impart the importance of education in the lives of every citizen. The constant updation required in education to keep the current generation relevant and updated according to the needs of the current world is also an agenda behind the celebrations of National Education Day in India. Also, it aims at focusing on the less-focused areas such as girl child education, and underprivileged education and planning the works of their improvisation.

As a whole, National Education Day is quite important for every country since it reflects upon the most important message for its citizens, “Education is the most powerful weapon”. Even our leaders and freedom fighters have proven that a battle as huge and cruel as the rule of the East India Company on India can be won through education and informed decisions. This also makes Mahatma Gandhi famous in the entire world. Hence, let us all collaborate with the government and work towards improving the education situation in India. 

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