Jagran Josh
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths are provided here. Download chapter-wise solutions prepared by the subject experts. Also, check chapter-wise mind maps for quick and effective revision.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths are available here in a chapter-wise PDF. Solutions for all exercises from chapters 1 to 15 are provided here. These solutions are framed by the subject matter experts. The NCERT Class 10 Maths Solutions are considered one of the best resources while preparing for the board exams.
Important features of the CBSE Class 10 Maths NCERT Solutions provided by Jagran Josh are:
- Apt and easy solutions infused with appropriate key-words
- Step-wise solutions prepared according to the CBSE marking scheme
- Curated and reviewed by subject matter experts
- Available in an easily downloadable format
Download chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths from the following links:
Chapter 3: Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Chapter 4: Quadratic Equations
Chapter 5: Arithmetic Progression
Chapter 7: Coordinate Geometry
Chapter 8: Introduction to Trigonometry
Chapter 9: Some Applications of Trigonometry
Chapter 12: Areas Related to Circles
Chapter 13: Surface Areas and Volumes
How Are NCERT Class 10 Maths Solutions Helpful For Students?
NCERT Class 10 Maths Solutions are of great help while preparing for the board exams as these NCERT solutions will help you clear all your doubts. Solving the NCERT questions will help you clear all the concepts and understand the applications of formulae in a much easier way. This also helps you get familiarised with different types of questions that might be asked in exams. Solving several questions is also the best way to improve your accuracy and speed. So if you want to achieve maximum marks in the Class 10 Board Exam then make it a habit to read the NCERT books thoroughly and solve the exercise questions given in each chapter. This will surely help you get the desired results.
NCERT Book for Class 10 Maths: Important Topics Covered with Mind Maps
There are a total of fifteen chapters in the Class 10 Maths NCERT book. Each chapter has solved and unsolved questions based on the concepts and topics explained in it. We have mentioned below the important topics covered in all 15 chapters of NCERT Class 10 Maths textbook with the help of mind maps. Also, check the NCERT Solutions for all exercises given in the book.
Class 10 Maths Chapter 1. Real Numbers
- Introduction to real numbers
- Euclid’s Division Lemma
- The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
- Revisiting Irrational Numbers
- Revisiting Rational Numbers and Their Decimal Expansions
Class 10 Maths Chapter 2. Polynomials
- Introduction to Polynomials and Their Types
- Geometrical Meaning of the Zeroes of a Polynomial
- Relationship between Zeroes and Coefficients of a Polynomial
- Division Algorithm for Polynomials
Class 10 Maths Chapter 3. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Introduction to Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Graphical Method of Solution of a Pair of Linear Equations
- Algebraic Methods of Solving a Pair of Linear Equations
- Substitution Method
- Elimination Method
- Cross-Multiplication Method
- Equations Reducible to a Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Class 10 Maths Chapter 4. Quadratic Equations
- Introduction to The Concept of Quadratic Equations
- Solution of a Quadratic Equation by Factorisation
- Solution of a Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square
- Nature of Roots
Class 10 Maths Chapter 5. Arithmetic Progressions
- Introduction to Arithmetic Progressions and Various Related Terms
- nth Term of an AP
- Sum of First n Terms of an AP
Class 10 Maths Chapter 6. Triangles
- Similar Figures
- Similarity of Triangles
- Criteria for Similarity of Triangles
- Areas of Similar Triangles
- Pythagoras Theorem
Class 10 Maths Chapter 7. Coordinate Geometry
- Introduction to Coordinate Geometry
- Distance Formula
- Section Formula
- Area of a Triangle
Class 10 Maths Chapter 8. Introduction to Trigonometry
- Introduction to Trigonometry
- Trigonometric Ratios
- Trigonometric Ratios of Some Specific Angles
- Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles
- Trigonometric Identities
Trigonometric Ratios
Class 10 Maths Chapter 9. Some Applications of Trigonometry
- Calculating Heights and Distances
Class 10 Maths Chapter 10. Circles
- Tangent to a Circle
- Number of Tangents from a Point on a Circle
Class 10 Maths Chapter 11. Constructions
- Division of a Line Segment in Given Ratio
- Construction of Tangents to a Circle
Chapter 12. Areas Related to Circles
- Perimeter and Area of a Circle — A Review
- Areas of Sector and Segment of a Circle
- Areas of Combinations of Plane Figures
Class 10 Maths Chapter 13. Surface Areas and Volumes
- Surface Area of a Combination of Solids
- Volume of a Combination of Solids
- Conversion of Solid from One Shape to Another
- Frustum of a Cone
Class 10 Maths Chapter 14. Statistics
- Introduction to Terms Related to Statistics
- Mean of Grouped Data
- Mode of Grouped Data
- Median of Grouped Data
- Graphical Representation of Cumulative Frequency Distribution
Class 10 Maths Chapter 15. Probability
- Probability — A Theoretical Approach
For all the latest updates and study material for all board exams, visit jagranjosh.com/school.
How can students solve Class 10 Mathematics problems easily?
Follow the Class 10 Maths NCERT Solutions provided by Jagran Josh to learn how to solve Maths problems easily. You will get to know the simplest and easiest methods of solving Class 10 Maths Questions from the NCERT Solutions provided here.
Are the Class 10 Maths NCERT Solutions useful for the students under the CBSE board?
Yes, Class 10 Maths NCERT Solutions are very helpful for understanding the right way to solve different types Maths problems accurately. You can learn the best methods for solving questions.
Where can students download CBSE Class 10 NCERT Maths PDF Solutions?
Students can download the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths in PDF from Jagran Josh. We have provided the chapter-wise solutions that are prepared by the subject experts. All the solutions are explained in the simplest manner.
Which books is enough for Class 10 Maths Board Examination?
NCERT Book can be considered enough for Class 10 Maths Board Examination if you read the book thoroughly and keep each and every line of the book in your mind. You should clear all the concepts and solve each and every question given in the book. However, reference books can be used for practice of different types of questions.
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