NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 11, Consumer Protection

Jagran Josh

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 11, Consumer Protection: Students can find attached NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Part 2, Chapter 3, Consumer Protection. A PDF download link has been attached below for the free download of complete NCERT Solutions.

NCERT Solutions for Business Studies Class 12 Consumer Protection: Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Board Examinations for the current academic session are due in March 2024. Until then, Class 12 Board Exams aspirants must be under utter pressure of finding the right sources for preparation. We are here to assist you in your academic journey. You can be carefree and refer to all the study materials provided by us.

Here, we have brought to you complete NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 11, Consumer Protection. This chapter is also numbered Class 12 Business Studies Part 2, Chapter 3. Students can also find attached a PDF download link for the same. These NCERT Solutions and study materials attached below can help students solve the toughest questions easily. Consistent practice of all these materials can ensure high marks in CBSE Board Examinations.


CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus 2023-2024

CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Sample Paper 2023-2024

MCQs for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies

Very Short Answer Type

1. Under which consumer right does a business firm set up consumer grievance cell?

Answer. A business firm sets up consumer grievance cell under ‘Right to be heard’.

2. Which quality certification mark is used for agricultural products?

Answer. The quality certification mark that is used for agricultural products is AGMARK.

3. What is the jurisdiction of cases that can be filed in a State Commission?

Answer. A state commission’s jurisdiction of cases can entertain complaints where the value of goods and services paid as consideration exceeds one crore but does not exceed ten crore rupees. If any of the parties are not satisfied by the order of the State Commission can appeal against such order to the National Commission within a period of thirty days of such order.

4. State any two relief available to consumers under CPA.

Answer. Two reliefs available to consumers under CPA are:

  • The consumer has a right to be protected against goods and services which are hazardous to life, health, and property.
  • The consumer has a right to have complete information about the product he intends to buy including its ingredients, date of manufacture, price, quantity, directions for use, etc.

5. Name the component of product mix that helps the consumer to exercise the right to information.

Answer.  The component of the product mix that helps the consumer to exercise the right to information is ‘Product Quality Certification’

Short Answer Type

1. Enumerate the various Acts passed by the Government of India which help in protection of consumers’ interests.

Answer.  The various acts passed by the Government of India which helps in the protection of consumers’ interests are:

  • The Consumer Protection Act, 1986– This act seeks to protect and promote the consumers’ interest through speedy and inexpensive redressal of their grievances
  • The Indian Contract Act, 1872– It is an act that defines ‘contract’ under it as ‘an agreement enforceable by law’.
  • The Sale of Goods Act, 1930– This act entails the contract where the sender agrees on transferring the ownership of the goods to the buyer.
  • The Essential Commodities Act,1955– This act deals with controlling the production, supply, and distribution of special commodities.
  • The Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937– The act marked the beginning of the formulation of standards and carrying out grading and marking.
  • The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954– This act protects consumers from food adulteration/contamination to safeguard the health of the consumers.
  • The Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976– This act set up the standards of weights and measures in trade and commerce.
  • The Trade Marks Act, 1999– The act focuses on protecting the trademarks and prevents the use of fraudulent marks.
  • The Competition Act, 2002– This act is dedicated to looking after commercial competition in India.
  • The Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986It is also the standard forming law where it mandates the standard mark for certain products, and articles, in the public interest.

2. What are the responsibilities of a consumer?

Answer. The responsibilities of a consumer are as follows:

  • Be aware of various goods and services available in the market so that an intelligent and wise choice can be made.
  • Buy only standardized goods as they provide quality assurance. Thus, look for ISI mark on electrical goods, FPO mark on food products, Hallmark on jewelry, etc.
  • Learn about the risks associated with products and services, follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and use the products safely.
  • Read labels carefully so as to have information about prices, net weight, manufacturing and expiry dates, etc.
  • Assert yourself to ensure that you get a fair deal.
  • Be honest in your dealings. Choose only from legal goods and services and discourage unscrupulous practices like black-marketing, hoarding, etc.
  • Ask for a cash memo on the purchase of goods or services. This would serve as proof of the purchase made.
  • File a complaint in an appropriate consumer forum in case of a shortcoming in the quality of goods purchased or services availed. Do not fail to take action even when the amount involved is small. (ix) Form consumer societies that would play an active part in educating consumers and safeguarding their interests.
  • Respect the environment. Avoid waste, littering, and contributing to pollution.

3. Who can file a complaint in a consumer court?

Answer. The below-mentioned people can file a complaint in a consumer court:

  • Any consumer who has bought the product for consumption.
  • Registered organizations such as NGOs and more.
  • Any consumer that is dissatisfied with the product
  • A legal representative of the deceased member
  • Consumer(s) who have similar interests

4. FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) has made a proposal for hotels and other food outlets to declare the kind of oil/fat used in cooking each of the food items on their menus. Name and explain the Consumer Right being reinforced by this proposal.

Answer. This proposal reinforces the right of the consumers to be informed. The right to information is reinforced by this proposal of FSSAI.  

5. Who is a consumer as per CPA?

Answer. As per CPA, a consumer is a person who buys or consumes products or services from any service. It includes any user of such goods or beneficiary of services if such use is made with the approval of the buyer.

Long Answer Type

1. Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point of view of a business.

Answer. The importance of consumer protection from the point of view of a business is:

  • Businesses realize that it is in their long-term interest to satisfy their customers. To provide this satisfaction, it is also equally important to protect the rights, thoughts, and health of the consumer.
  • Businesses use the resources of society thus it is their responsibility to render beneficial services to the consumers.
  • Businesses have to cater to the responsibilities of different interest groups.
  • It is the moral duty of any business to take care of consumers’ interests and avoid any form of their exploitation.
  • It is advisable that business organizations voluntarily resort to such practices where the customers’ needs and interests will well be taken care of to protect their image.

To find the complete NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter Consumer Protection, click on the link below.

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