Jagran Josh
NCL Admit Card 2024: Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) issued the admit card for the online exam for the Computer Based Test for the post of Supervisory Positions i.e. Assistant Foreman (E&T) (Trainee) Grade-C, Assistant Foreman (Mechanical) (Trainee) Grade-C and Assistant Foreman (Electrical) (Trainee) Grade-C. Candidates can download the NCL Foreman Admit Card from the website of the NCL which is nclcil.in. The NCL Exam will be conducted on 04 March (Monday).
NCL Foreman Admit Card Download Link
The direct link to download the call letter is provided here. All the details related to the exam such as date, time and centre of the exam available on the admit card.
How to Download NCL Admit Card 2024 ?
The candidates can follow the given steps to download their individual admit cards:
Step 1: Go to the website of the NCL – nclcil.in and go to ‘Recruitment’ Section
Step 2: Click on the admit card link given under ‘सूचना/ Notice: रोजगार अधिसूचना संख्या 22 दिनांकः 09.01.2024 द्वारा अधिसूचित पर्यवेक्षकीय संवर्ग के विभिन्न पदों, जोकि सहायक फोरमैन (ई एंड टी) ग्रेड-सी (प्रशिक्षु), सहायक फोरमैन (मैकेनिकल) ग्रेड-सी (प्रशिक्षु) एवं सहायक फोरमैन (इलेक्ट्रिकल) ग्रेड-सी (प्रशिक्षु) है, पर चयन के लिए आयोजित होने वाली कंप्यूटर आधारित परीक्षा के लिए प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड करने की सूचना/’
Step 3: Provide the details such as ‘User ID’ and ‘Password’
Step 4: Download the admit card
Step 5: Take the printout of the admit card
The exam will be of 100 Marks and comprise two sections (Section-A & Section-B). Section ‘A’ will consist of 70 questions on technical knowledge and Section ‘B’ will consist of 30 questions on General Knowledge, General Awareness, Reasoning, Verbal & Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude. Each question will carry 01 mark and there is no penalty for a wrong answer.
The question paper shall be bilingual i.e. in English and Hindi only. However, in case of any error/ambiguity in Hindi version, the English version of the question shall be valid and final.
#NCL #Admit #Card #Released #nclcil.in #Download #Foreman #Call #Letter