Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India
The exam was held from 2:00 PM to 5:20 PM in pen-paper mode in 4,075 centres across India, barring the 22 centres in Manipur. A large number of students participated in the NEET UG Examination 2023.
Exam Pattern
The NEET (UG) – 2023 comprised of four Subjects. Each subject had two sections namely, A and B. Section A consisted of 35 Questions and Section B had 15 Questions, out of these 15 Questions, candidates had to choose and attempt any 10 Questions.
NEET 2023 Exam Analysis Live: NEET UG exam ends, question paper analysis, reactions here
As per the initial reaction of the students, teachers and experts, today’s exam was moderately designed. Students found the Chemistry section to be more challenging than Physics and Biology. In Chemistry, the inorganic part was the hardest one. The overall reactions of the students suggest that the exam was easy and they are expecting higher scores this year. If the initial reactions of the students are to be believed, then we are going to see a higher cutoff this year.
In Biology, students found the Zoology part easier than Botany. Overall the subject was easy, like previous years. Students are expecting to score high marks in Biology this year.
Coming to the Physics subject which has always been a nightmare for medical aspirants, this year the subject came as a surprise. Unlike previous years, this time students found the Physics subject to be average. It is believed that students who perform better in Physics and Chemistry have an edge over the other students in NEET UG Exams.
NEET UG 2023: Subject-wise Analysis
Stay tuned with TOI for students’ and teachers’ reactions on NEET UG 2023 Exam.
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Saurav Pandey
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