NHM UP Result 2022-23 for 17000+ Posts: Staff Nurse, ANM, Pharmacist Result Soon, Download Lab Technician Merit List

Jagran Josh

NHM UP Result 2022-23 has been released for the post of Lab Technician. National Health Mission will also release the merit list for the post of  Staff Nurse, ANM,  and Pharmacist Posts on its official website i.e. upnrhm.gov.in. Download the merit list for LT here.

NHM UP Result 2022-23

NHM UP Result 2022-23

NHM UP Result 2022-23: The National Health Mission has issued a notification regarding the sharing of a list of provisionally shortlisted candidates with revised district allocations for the contractual position of Blood-Cell-BSU-Lab Technician on its website i.e. upnrhm.gov.in. The notification explains that candidates who were previously shortlisted for the BSU-Lab Technician Position in District Jaunpur but were relocated due to the unavailability of vacancies in that district will now be assigned to new districts based on available locations.

Candidates who applied for these positions can check the reallocation of new districts through the provided PDF link. Additionally, NHM UP has announced the results of the online exam conducted on 13 March 2022 for over 2900 vacancies of Lab Technicians, Senior Lab Technicians, STS, and STLS posts.

Career Counseling

NHM UP Lab Technician Result Download Here
NHM UP Staff Nurse Result to be released
NHM UP Pharmacist Result to be released
NHM UP Lab Technician Result to be released
NHM UP SLT Result Download Here

What’s Next after NHM UP Result 2023:

Selected candidates are required to undergo a Document Verification Process. Regarding the Lab Technician position, candidates must report to the allocated district with the issued revised offer letter and all required supporting documents. In this regard, a three-member committee comprising ACMO (RCH), the District Program Manager, and District Account Manager of DPMU unit should be informed at the District Level to initiate the joining formalities of the selected candidates. The Document Verification Process is scheduled for 31 October 2023 for Lab Technician Posts.

UP NHM BSU-LT Result 2023 How to download your result?

Step 1: Go to the official website of UP NHM   

Step 2: Click on NHM UP Lab Assistant Result link 

Step 3: Now a PDF will open in front of you 

Step 4: check your result on that 

NHM UP Result for Staff Nurse, ANM, and Pharmacist-Allopathic:

The exams for the positions of Staff Nurse were conducted on 28 and 29 December 2022 and for ANM and Allopathic Posts on 27 and 28 December 2022. The results of these exams will be declared shortly. Candidates are advised to stay updated by regularly checking the official website for the latest updates.

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By bpci

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