NHPC JE Recruitment 2023 Commences; Apply Online for 388 Posts – News18

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Candidates have to undergo a written examination, which will be conducted online.

NHPC JE Recruitment is out for 388 vacancies on its official website until June 30.

NHPC has invited applications for eligible candidates through NHPC Engineer Recruitment on their official website https://www.nhpcindia.com/. The application will be accepted until June 30, 2023. NHPC Recruitment and Hiring 2023NHPC Limited, a premier Schedule-A Mini Ratna Company, has released NHPC JE Recruitment 2023 on its website https://www.nhpcindia.com/

The online window is open from June 9, 2023, to June 30, 2023.

NHPC Recruitment 2023 Age Limit

The age limit is 30 years as of June 30, 2023. The age relaxation in the upper age limit is as per government norms.

Application Fees

To apply for NHPC JE Recruitment 2023, candidates falling under the general category are required to pay INR 295, while there is no application fee for people belonging to the categories of SC, ST, PwBD, and Ex-Servicemen. The application fee will be deposited through the online payment gateway. It ensures a secure transaction process.

Selection Process

Candidates have to undergo an online written examination. The written exam will examine applicants’ technical, aptitude, and reasoning abilities.

Application Process for NHPC Recruitment 2023

To apply for the NHPC Examination, candidates have to follow certain steps, which are as follows:

Visit the official website at https://www.nhpcindia.com/.

Fill out the application form with relevant details.

Upload your signature and latest photograph as per the instructions given in the portal.

Deposit the fee.

Submit the NHPC Application Form.

Take a printout of the form for future reference.

Documents Required

The candidates are required to upload scanned copies of:

Matriculation or secondary school certificates that will act as proof of date of birth.

A set of mark sheets or certificates in support of qualification.

Caste certificate in proper format as prescribed by the Government of India, and for the OBC candidates, the certificate should have been issued within 6 months before the registration dates.

Important Dates

NHPC JE Notification Date: June 7, 2023

NHPC JE Start Date to Fill Out Application Form: June 9, 2023

NHPC JE End Date to Apply Online: June 30, 2023

NHPC Admit Card Date: To be Notified

NHPC Exam Date: To Be Notified


If selected, the applicants will be placed at power stations and project offices, including joint ventures and subsidiary companies of NHPC, in different parts of the country or abroad as per the requirements.

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#NHPC #Recruitment #Commences #Apply #Online #Posts #News18

By bpci

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