NIACL AO Eligibility 2023: Check Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Experience

Jagran Josh

NIACL AO Eligibility 2023: The New India Assurance Company Limited released the NIACL AO Eligibility through the official notification. Check the age limit, educational qualification, and other details

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023: The New India Assurance Company Limited released the NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria through the official notification on the official website. Candidates must fulfil all the NIACL AO eligibility criteria requirements before applying for Administrative Officers (Scale I). Aspirants can apply online for 450 vacancies from August 1 to 21, 2023.  

Aspirants are advised to enter only valid and genuine details in the NIACL Administrative Officers application form to avoid disqualification of their candidature at any recruitment stage. All graduate candidates who are 21 years or above are considered eligible for the post. The NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria includes various components, i.e., age limit, educational qualification, nationality, experience, and so on.


In this article, we have shared complete details on the NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023, including age limit, educational qualifications, nationality, and much more.

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023 Overview

The NIACL Administrative Officers Eligibility Criteria is an essential prerequisite to be fulfilled by the aspirants to be a part of the recruitment process. Check the detailed overview of the NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023 shared below for interested candidates aspiring for the upcoming exam.

NIACL AO Eligibility 2023 Overview

Age Limit

21-30 years

Age Relaxation

Varies as per category

Educational Qualification

Graduation/Post Graduation



Previous Experience

Not Required

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Age Limit

Aspirants must fulfil the NIACL AO age limit criteria before applying for the post.  The age of candidates must be between 21-30 years as of August 1, 2023, to be eligible for NIACL AO posts. There shall be a relaxation on the upper age limit of the aspirants belonging to the reserved categories as shared below.


NIACL AO Age Limit Relaxation

Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe

5 years

Other Backward Classes (Non creamy layer)

3 years

Persons with Benchmark Disabilities

10 years


5 Years

Defence service personnel disabled in operation

3 years

Existing Confirmed Employees of Public Sector General Insurance Companies (including GIC & Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.)

8 years

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Educational Qualification

Aspirants must fulfil the NIACL AO educational qualification before completing the application form. They must submit valid details about their qualifications before applying for the post. The NIACL AO education qualification is shared below.

  • A candidate must possess the minimum qualification of a graduate/post graduate in any discipline from a recognised University or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by Central Government with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examination for General candidates and at least 55% marks for SC/ST/PwBD candidates.
  • Candidate should possess a certificate as proof of passing the qualifying examination as of the prescribed date.
  • Those who are in the Final Year/ Semester of their Graduation are also eligible to apply provisionally, subject to the condition that, Educational qualifications should be from a University/ Institution/Board recognised by Govt. Of India/ approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies and the result should have been declared on or before 01.08.2023
  • The education qualification of specialists posts of NIACL AO differs according to the post candidate applying. Below we tabulated the minimum education required for different posts


Minimum Qualification

Risk Engineers

Engineering (Graduation/Post-graduation) in any discipline with min 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD). Note: Risk Engineering primarily involves Risk analysis and assessment at insured entities considering the coverages of “property damage (fire, explosion, weather damage, etc.), “machinery breakdown,” and “loss of profit” associated with the material damage and/or machinery breakdown.

Automobile Engineers

B.E./B.Tech./M.E./M.Tech in Automobile Engineering with min 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD) OR Graduate/Post-graduate in Mechanical Engineering with min 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD) together with Diploma (at least one year duration) in Automobile Engineering.

Legal Officers

Graduate/Post-graduate in Law with min 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD).


Chartered Accountant (ICAI) and Graduation/Post-graduation in any discipline with min 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD).

AO (Health)

M.B.B.S/M.D./M.S. or PG-Medical Degree OR B.D.S/M.D.S OR BAMS/BHMS (graduate or post-graduate) from a recognized University with at least 60% marks in the qualifying degree (at least 55% marks for SC/ST/PwBD candidates); or equivalent foreign degrees recognized by the National Medical Commission (Formerly Medical Council of India), Dental Council of India, National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, National Commission for Homoeopathy (as applicable) with the prescribed benchmark. Furthermore, the candidate must be holding a valid registration from National Medical Commission (Formerly Medical Council of India) or Dental Council of India or any State Medical or Dental Council (as applicable for Allopathy or Dental stream respectively); and National/State Commission for Indian System of Medicine or National/State Commission for Homoeopathy (as applicable for Ayurveda or Homeopathy discipline respectively) as on the date of his/her scheduled interview.

IT Specialists

B.E./B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech in IT or Computer Science Discipline OR M.C.A with min 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwBD).

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Nationality

Along with the NIACL AO age limit, qualification, and other eligibility parameters, aspirants must satisfy the nationality criteria before submitting the application form. A candidate must be either:

(a) a citizen of India, or 

(b) a subject of Nepal, or 

(c) a subject of Bhutan, or 

(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or 

(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. 

Provided that an aspirant belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour an eligibility certificate has been provided by the Government of India

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Reservation

Below we have listed the reservation rules which varies from category to category

  • Candidates belonging to the OBC category but falling under the ‘CREAMY LAYER’ are not entitled to OBC reservation and age relaxation. They should mention their category as General. 
  • The reservation under various categories will be as per prevailing Government Guidelines at the time of finalisation of the result.  
  • An Ex-serviceman, who applies for various vacancies before joining any civil employment, can enjoy the reservation benefit as an ex-serviceman for any subsequent employment. However, to claim this benefit, an ex-serviceman, as soon as he/she joins any civil employment, should submit a self-declaration/undertaking to the concerned employer about the date-wise details of application for various vacancies for which they had applied before joining the initial civil employment. Further, this benefit would be available only regarding vacancies filled on direct recruitment and wherever reservation is applicable to the ex-servicemen.
  • There is no reservation for Ex-servicemen in the Officers’ Cadre.
  • Aspirants who want to avail of the benefit of reservation/relaxation will have to produce the Disability Certificate issued by a Competent Authority.
  • The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon submitting an Income and Asset Certificate issued by a competent authority.
  • Candidates seeking reservation as OBC are required to produce the certificate regarding his/her “OBC Status & Non-Creamy Layer Status” provided by a competent authority.

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023 for Scribes

The visually impaired candidates and candidates whose writing speed is adversely affected permanently for any reason can avail of the scribe facility at their cost during the online examination (Preliminary and Main). In all such cases where a scribe is used, the following rules are applicable:  

  • The candidate will have to arrange their own scribe at their own expense. 
  • The scribe may be from any academic stream.  
  • Both the candidate and scribe must submit a suitable undertaking confirming that the scribe fulfils all the prescribed eligibility criteria for a scribe. 
  •  Aspirants who use a scribe shall be eligible for compensatory time of 20 minutes or otherwise advised for every hour of the examination.  More than one candidate cannot use the same scribe. The scribe arranged by the aspirants should not be a candidate for the online examination.

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Number of Attempts

The New India Assurance Company Limited has mentioned no limits on the number of attempts to appear in the NIACAL AO recruitment process. Aspirants are considered eligible for the post until they fulfil the NIACL AO age limit and other eligibility criteria.

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Experience

Apart from fulfilling educational qualifications, age limits, and other criteria, no work experience is required to apply for NIACL AO recruitment. Candidates with or without any previous working experience can apply for the NIACL Administrative Officers (Scale I) post,

NIACL AO Eligibility Criteria 2023: Required Documents

Candidates must only enter valid and genuine details in the NIACL AO application form. Furthermore, they will be asked to produce copies of various certificates/documents supporting their eligibility claims for verification purposes. The list of documents required for verification is elaborated below.

  • Printout of the valid Interview Call Letter
  • Valid system-generated printout of the online application form registered for the online examination. 
  • Proof of Date of Birth (Birth Certificate issued by the Competent Municipal Authorities or SSLC/ Std. X Certificate with DOB)
  • Photo Identify Proof as indicated in the Identity Verification section of the advertisement.
  • Mark sheets & certificates for Std X, XII, Graduation and Post-Graduation (if any) or equivalent qualification(s) etc.
  • Caste Certificates and caste validity certificates (wherever applicable) are issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format.
  • Disability certificate in the prescribed format, if applicable
  • Other Required documents.

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#NIACL #Eligibility #Check #Age #Limit #Educational #Qualification #Experience

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