NIRF 2023: MDU Rohtak again among 100 Universities in NIRF rankings – Times of India

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ROHTAK: Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU) Rohtak has slid by two ranks but retained its spot in the top 100 universities of the nation in the NIRF 23 rankings released on Monday.
This time, MDU has been ranked 96 while it was on the 94 spot in the NIRF ranking in 2022.
In the state, MDU Rohtak is the topmost state university in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)’ 2023 of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar is ranked 99. While two private universities Maharishi Markandeswar in Ambala and Amity University Gurugram have been ranked 78th & 94th respectively.
The department of pharmaceutical science of MDU is ranked 35, and is in the top 50 pharmaceutical departments/institutes of the nation in this NIRF 2023 ranking.
MDU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rajbir Singh has congratulated all the stakeholders of the University. He said that concerted efforts would be made in all parameters of NIRF ranking so that the University betters its performance next year. VC said that MDU is working with a definite roadmap for the University’s futuristic progress journey.
Meanwhile, PGIMS Rohtak has got 49th rank in the NIRF ranking in the medical institution’s category.

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