Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times
National Level Entrance Exam, NMAT by GMAT Exam 2023 registration will end today, October 10, 2023. Candidates who want to apply for the written entrance examination can do it through the official site of NMAT at
The scheduling will end on October 12, 2023. As per the schedule, the exam delivery will start today, October 10 and will end on December 19, 2023. To apply online, candidates can follow the steps given below.
NMAT by GMAC™ Exam 2023: How to apply
- Visit the official site of NMAT at
- Click on NMAT by GMAC™ Exam 2023 registration link available on the home page.
- Register yourself and login to the account.
- Once done, fill the application form and make the payment of application fees.
- Click on submit and download the page.
- Keep a hard copy of the same for further need.
After registering and paying for the exam, candidates can schedule their exam from your Candidate Dashboard. Exam appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. NMAT is a computer-based test (CBT) with three sections- Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Logical Reasoning.
The candidates need to attempt 108 questions in 120 minutes, with every part receiving equal weightage and there will be no negative marking.
The NMAT by GMAC exam is used for admissions to leading graduate business programmes in India, South Africa, Philippines, Nigeria, and Morocco. For more related details candidates can check the official website of NMAT.
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