NTA DU Admit Card 2023 for Non-Teaching Various Posts Released, Check Exam Date

Jagran Josh

NTA DU Admit Card 2023: The Delhi University has released the admit cards for its non-teaching examination in 2023. Students who have applied for the examination can now download their admit cards from the official website of the university. Candidates can refer to the article below for more information such as direct link to download the admit card, exam date, procedure to download hall ticket and other details.



DU Admit Card 2023: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has recently released the NTA DU Admit Card 2023 for the recruitment examination of non-teaching positions at Delhi University. Candidates who are going to appear for the examination must download their admit cards from the official website of NTA (recruitment.nta.nic.in).

The purpose of the recruitment examination is to fill up 1,145 positions within Delhi University that are currently vacant. The examination is scheduled to be held from March 18 to 21, 2023, and it is an important opportunity for candidates who are seeking non-teaching positions at the university.

NTA DU Admit Card 2023 

It is essential that candidates carry their admit cards and a valid ID proof to the examination center. The admit card will serve as an entry pass, and without it, candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Therefore, candidates are advised to download and print their admit cards as soon as possible and check all the details mentioned on it carefully.

In case there are any discrepancies or errors on the admit card, candidates must contact the authorities immediately to rectify the issue. Additionally, it is recommended that candidates visit the examination center at least an hour before the scheduled time to avoid any last-minute confusion or delays.

DU Admit Card 2023: Important Details

The Delhi University Admit Card 2023 will contain important information of the candidates such as 

  • Date of the Examination
  • Time and Venue of the Examination
  • Instruction to be followed 
  • Candidate’s Roll Number
  • Candidate’s Photo
  • Other important information Needed During the Examination

DU Non-Teaching Exam Schedule 

The examination schedule as mentioned in the DU Admit Card 2023 is given in the table below


Examination Date

Laboratory Attendant

March 18, 2023

Junior Assistant /Junior Assistant (Store)

March 19, 2023

Library Attendant

March 20, 2023

Senior Assistant

March 20, 2023


March 21, 2023

NTA DU Non- Teaching Admit Card 2023: Direct Link

Candidates can download the admit card from the direct link given below

How to download NTA DU Admit Card 2023?

Here are the steps to download the admit card for the Delhi University non-teaching recruitment examination:

  1. Visit the official website of the National Testing Agency (NTA) at recruitment.nta.nic.in.
  2. Look for the link titled “Delhi University Non-Teaching Post” on the homepage and click on it.
  3. Enter your application number and password as required.
  4. Type in the security pin shown on the screen.
  5. The admit card will be displayed on the screen for you to download and print.

Also Visit: Latest Government Jobs News & Notification

Candidates can download their admit card from the official website and must carry it along with a valid photo identity proof to the examination center. They must also follow all the COVID-19 guidelines and safety protocols issued by the government. Candidates are advised to carefully go through the instructions mentioned on the admit card before appearing for the examination.



How to download NTA DU Non-teaching Admit Card 2023?

To download the admit card for Delhi University’s non-teaching recruitment exam, go to recruitment.nta.nic.in, click on “Delhi University Non-Teaching Post,” enter your application number and password, and type in the security pin shown on the screen. The admit card will then be displayed and can be downloaded and printed.

Where to download NTA DU 2023 Admit Card 2023?

Candidates can download the NTA DU 2023 Admit Card 2023 from the official recruitment website of NTA i.e., recruitment.nta.nic.in.

When was NTA DU Admit Card 2023 released?

The NTA DU Admit Card 2023 was released on Thursday i.e., March 16, 2023

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