Obiee Interview Q & A

Obiee Interview

Part 1:

1) Mention what is Obiee?

Obiee stands for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE). It is a business intelligence system for the enterprise that delivers abilities for reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), ad hoc query and analysis dashboards, and scorecards.

2) Mention what are the main features of OBIEE?

Key features of OBIEE includes,

  1. Hierarchy Drilling
  2. Scheduled Report Generation
  3. Graphical Reporting (Charts, Pivots, Gauges, )
  4. Ad Hoc Analysis
  5. Global support and development capability

3) Mention what is the end to end lifecycle of OBIEE?

The end to end life cycle of OBIEE is,

  1. Collecting Business Requirements
  2. Identify source systems
  3. Design ETL to load data to the Data Warehouse
  4. Creating repository
  5. Create dashboards and reports
  6. Setting up security (LDAP or External table)
  7. Decide on aggregations or caching mechanism based on performance
  8. Testing and QA.

4) Explain how OBIEE architecture works?

OBIEE architecture works in following way,

  1. A request is made by the Users and sent to the Presentation Server.
  2. The Presentation Server transforms the request into logical SQL and sent to the BI server.
  3. The BI server transforms logical SQL into physical SQL and sent it to the database
  4. The result gets back to the user through the same path

5) Mention what are the main components of OBIEE?

OBIEE components are divided mainly into tow types, Server Components and Client Components. The client component is further divided into web-based obiee client and non-web based client.

Server Components

Client Components

Web Based OBIEE Client

Non- Web based Client

Oracle BI (OBIEE) Server

Interactive Dashboards

OBIEE Administration

Oracle Presentation Server

Oracle Delivers

ODBC Client

Application Server

BI Publisher



BI Presentation Service Administrator


Cluster Controller



Oracle BI (OBIEE) Server

Disconnected Analytics


Oracle Presentation Server

MS Office Plugin


6) Mention what is ODBC Client is used for?

ODBC Client is used to connect to the database and execute SQL commands.

7) Mention what kind of sources can be connected to OBIEE?

Sources like Relational Databases, Cubes or Flat files can be connected to Obiee with following constraints,

  • The sources must be modeled as snowflakes or star schemas for efficient result
  • In the case of multiple sources connecting directly in OBIee, it has to be used

8) Mention what all information does OBIEE repository contains?

OBIEE repository contains information about the application environment like,

  • Data Modeling
  • SQL Information
  • Caching
  • Connectivity Information
  • Aggregate Navigation
  • Security

9) Mention what are the three layers of OBIEE repository?

The three layers of OBIEE repository are,

  • Physical Layer (Schema Design): It contains information about the data sources
  • Business Model Layer: It outlines the business or logical model of objects and their mapping between business model and Schema in the physical layer
  • Presentation Layer: Presentation layer is used to provide customized views of Business Model in Business Model layer to users.

10) Mention what does physical layer is used for?

Physical layer is used for,

  • Importing data
  • Creating Aliases
  • Building physical joins
  • Setting up connection pool and its properties
  • Enabling/ Disabling cache for individual table

11) Mention what is LTS in OBIEE?

LTS or Logical Table Source is created when you drag and drop a column from a table that is not presently being used in your logical table. A physical table containing such column is referred as LTS.

12) Mention what is session variable in OBIEE?

A session variable can be a system variable and non-system variable. It is initialized at login time for each user. System variable uses NQ_SESSION.(system reserved variable). Examples of non-system variables are user defined filters etc.

13) Mention what are the different log files in OBIEE?

Different log files in OBIEE includes,

  • NQServer.log
  • NQQuery.log
  • NQSAdminTool.log, etc.

14) Mention what are the Key Configuration Files in OBIEE?

Key Configuration Files in OBIEE are,

  • NQSConfig.ini
  • NQSCluster.ini
  • odbc.ini
  • instanceconfig.xml

15) Mention what are the security providers used by OBIEE?

Security providers used by OBIEE are,

  • Authentication provider to authenticate users
  • Policy store provider is used to access privileges on all applications except for BI Presentation Services
  • Credential store provider is used to store credentials used internally by the BI application

16) Mention what is the difference between logical table source and logical table?

The difference between logical table source and the logical table is that a logical table consists of one or more logical table source. The mapping between  logical column and physical columns are done in this element.

17) Mention how many server instances can coexist in an OBIEE cluster?

Maximum 16 server instances coexist in an OBIEE cluster.

18) Mention whether it is possible to create an Outer join in an OBIEE physical layer?

In an OBIEE physical layer, it is not possible to create the Outer join.  You will create the join type in the Business Layer.

19) Mention how to bypass the server authentication?

To bypass the server authentication in NQSConfig.ini and instance config.xml, BYPASS SERVER AUTHENTICATION = YES.

20) Mention what is ibot?

Ibot is a scheduling agent, used to schedule reports to be sent across various devices such as email, pager, mobile, other devices, etc.

21) Mention how to get real physical SQL sent by OBIee to the database?

To get real physical SQL sent by OBIee to the database, check following details

  1. Verify the value of your session variable LOGLEVEL (5 is fine)
  2. Go into Administration -> Manage sessions
  3. Find your query (at the bottom of the list), and click on “View log.”
  4. Below the logical SQL, you will see the physical SQL.

22) Mention what does a Fact table consist of?

A Fact table consists of two types of columns

  • Facts and
  • Foreign key to dimension tables

23) Mention how to hide certain columns from a user?

To hide certain columns from a user,

  • Do not add the column in the report
  • Do not add the column in the presentation layer

24) Mention how you will change the port of Obiee?

You can change port of Obiee by changing its port in instanceconfig.xml


Part 2:

  1. Compare OBIEE & Tableau




Ease of use

Needs trained developers

Empowers end users

Data visualization



Enterprise Reporting

Easy to deploy and manage

Much harder

  1. Explain the Architecture of OBIEE 11g and function of each components?

OBIEE Comprises Presentation Services, Oracle BI Server : The user constructs sql and passes it to the Analytic Engine and then the Oracle BI (Analytic Engine) describes the physical sql to the Data sources and recover the data back to the Engine and presents to the presentation Services .

  1. How we can extract sql from OBIEE for reports?

There are many ways to extract the sql :

  • Change the request and click Advanced in that you get xml code and also the actual sql.
  • In the catalog Manager click Tools-Create Report. In the Create Report Window –> Click Request SQL and save the sql to the physical path in your PC.
  • Enable Log level to 2 in the OBIEE 11g Administration Tool from Manage-> Security and enable the log level to 2 by clicking properties for the user, then go to the NQ Query.log in BI_HOME/OracleBI/Server/Logs.You will find the SQL for that User.
    By clicking Administration->Manage sessions-> view sql.
  1. How can you sort in Reports in OBIEE 11g?

Click on modify and then click on sort (order by icon) on the relevant column in the criteria pane.

  1. How we can do different types of narrative Reports in OBIEE?

By clicking modify request and Narrative View and by giving @1 for the first column result and @2 for the 2nd column and so on and we can also give a heading for No Results by clicking the Narrative view.

  1. How will you create Interactive Dashboards?

By clicking on Administration and Manage dashboards and by adding column selector we can create interactive Dashboard.

  1. What is write-back in obiee ?

We can give a column as updatable and then view the reports,this option is called write back option.

  1. How will you execute Direct SQL in OBIEE?

By clicking Direct Database Request below the subject area in we can execute Direct SQL in OBIEE.

  1. How OBIEE Developer can create report from two subject areas?

From the Criteria Pane of the Report Created from First Subject Area
come to the bottom of the page and click combine request. By this we can create report from two subject areas.

  1. What are the different types of variables in OBIEE 11g? explain

There are two types of variables in OBIEE 11g.

  1. Repository variable:This variable is used for the whole repository.
  2. Session variable:session variable are of two types: system variable and non-system variable. System variable uses NQ_SESSION. Examples of non-system variables are user defined filters.
  3. How we can Port changes for dashboards, reports, rpd from development to production?

For the RPD we can use the Merge option in Admin Tool and for dashboards and reports we can use Content Accelerator Framework.

  1. How will you enable or disable caching in the system level and table level?

In the NQSConfig.ini file use ENABLE under CACHE Section for System Level
For tables, if we want to enable the cache at table level, open the repository in offline mode this should be different from the current repository and click enable or disable the cache.

  1. How will you go about adding additional column to the repository in the presentation layer?

Check if the table is already existing if so add in physical layer, then click on BMM and then Presentation layer, then reload server metadata, then it will be visible to all users.

  1. How will affect the changes for a report, if for certain users only the column heading in the report should be changed?

Using session variables for that user.

  1. What is a table alias in OBIEE 11g? Where and how will you create it?

Table alias is used for creating self joins. Table alias can be created by right clicking the table in the physical layer then click alias.

  1. Have you created Hierarchy in OBIEE 11g. if so where and how?

Yes, we can create hierarchy in BMM Layer of OBIEE in dimensions for the dimension tables. This can be done by right clicking the dimension table and click create dimension and then we can manually define the hierarchy and its levels.

  1. What is Level Based Metrics? How we can create it?

Level-base metrics means, having a measure held at a certain level of the dimension. Examples Monthly Total Sales or Quarterly Sales
To create a level based measure, create a new logical column based on the original measure. Drag and drop the new logical column to the appropriate level in the Dimension hierarchy.

  1. What are the different layers of OBIEE 11g Repository?
  • Physical Layer.
  • Business Model.
  • Mapping Layer.
  • Presentation Layer.
  1. What is Authentication? How many types of authentication.

Authentication is the procedure by which a system confirms, through the use of a user

  • Operaing system authentication.
  • External table authentication.
  • Database authentication.
  • LDAP authentication
  1. What is a bridge table ?

If we want to connect two tables where there is no relationship we can use a third bridge table for connecting them which will have same columns in both tables.

  1. How Time based triggered report can be generated?

Using Scheduler – ibots we can generate time based triggered report.

  1. What is ibot?

Ibot is an arrangement agent, used to arrange reports to be sent across many devices such as email, pager, mobile, other devices etc.

  1. What are different types of joins that are possible in OBIEE RPD?
  2. Complex Join –it uses multiple conditions, such as A.ROW_WID = B.ROW_WID AND / OR A.A_WID = B.B_WID
  3. Natural Join
  4. How we can have two different columns from two different tables or subject areas?

Using confirmed dimensions, we can fetch many metrics across various facts, but the join should be of same level of data detail.

  1. How can we use saved filters and where we will save the filters?

Shared Folders – XYZ Folder – It have two folders
a. Prompts
b. Reports

  1. Have you worked in dashboard? when we run a dashboard? how will we stop the dashboard report run automatically?

By clicking on the cancel button, we can stop a exact report placed on the dashboard.

  1. Define surrogate key.

A surrogate key is an artificially generated key, usually a number. A surrogate key, in the level aggregate table, simplifies this join and removes unnecessary columns from the fact table, resulting in a smaller-sized fact table.

  1. Define repository in terms of Siebel Analytics.
  2. Repository stores the Meta data information. Siebel repository is a file system ,extension of the repository file. rpd.
  3. With Siebel Analytics Server, all the rules needed for security, data modeling, aggregate navigation, caching, and connectivity is stored in metadata repositories.
  4. Every metadata repository can store many business models. Siebel Analytics Server can access many repositories.
  5. Explain the end to end life cycle of Siebel Analytics?

Siebel Analytics life cycle

  1. Collect Business Requirements.
  2. Recognize source systems.
  3. Plan ETL to load to a DW if source data doesn’t exist.
  4. Build a repository.
  5. Build dashboard or use answers for reporting.
  6. Define security.
  7. Based on performance, decide an aggregations and/or caching mechanism.
  8. Testing and QA.
  9. How does Siebel Architecture works? Explain the three layers.

There are five parts of Siebel Architecture.

  2. data sorces.
  3. Siebel analytics Web Server data sorces.
  4. Siebel analytics scheduler.
  5. Siebel analytics server

Metadata represents the analytical Model which is created using the siebel Analytics Administration tool.
Repository divided into three layer

  1. Physical –Signifies the data Sources.
  2. Business –copies the Data sources into Facts and Dimension.
  3. Presentation –Specifies the user’s view of the model; rendered in Siebel answer.
  4. Ifwe have 3 facts and 4 dimension and we need to join would you recommend joining fact with fact? If no than what is the option?

In the BMM layer,we can create one logical table (fact) and add the 3 fact table as logical table source.

  1. What is connection pool and how many connection pools did we have in our last project?

Connection pool is needed for each and every physical database.

  • It contains material about the connection to the database, not the database itself.
  • We can use either shared user accounts or pass-through accounts -Use: USER and PASSWORD for pass through.
  • We can have many connection pools for each group to avoid waiting
  1. Define JDK and why do we need it?

Java Development Kit (JDK), is a software package that contains the minimal set of tools needed to write, compile, debug, and run Java applets.

  1. Oracle doesn’t recommend Opaque Views because of performance considerations, so why/when do we use them?

An opaque view is a physical layer table that contain select statement. An opaque view should be used only if there is no other option.

  1. Can we migrate the presentation layer to a different server?

No we can’t migrate the presentation layer to a different server rather we have to migrate the whole web & rpd files.

  1. How we can identify the dimension tables and how we can decide them during the Business/Data modeling?

Dimension tables contain descriptions about data analysts which is used as query in the database. Every table contains a primary key that contains one or more columns; each row in a table is uniquely identified by its primary-key value or values.

  1. Why do we have multiple LTS in BMM layer? What is the purpose?

To improve the performance and query response time we have multiple LTS in BMM.

  1. What is the full form of rpd?

There is no full form for rpd as such, it is just a repository file which is known as Rapid file Database.

  1. How we can disable cache for only 2 particular tables?

We can disable cache in the physical layer, by right clicking on the table there we can have the option which define cacheable.

  1. How we can split a table in the rpd given the condition. (the condition given was Broker and customer in the same table) Split Broker and customer.

We have to make a dubbed table in the physical layer.

  1. What type of protocol did we use in SAS?

TCP/IP type protocol.

  1. Can we have multiple data sources in Siebel Analytics?

Yes, we can have multiple data sources in Siebel Analytics.

  1. How we can deal with case statement and expressions in siebel analytics?

By using expression builder we can create case statement when…then. end.

  1. What do you know about Initialization Blocks?
  • Init blocks are used for instantiating a session when a user logs in.
  • To make dynamic variable we have to create IB to write sql statement.
  1. Explain query repository tool?
  • It is utility of OBIEE /Seibel Admin tool.
  • Allows us to examine the repository metadata tool.
  • It Examine relationship between metadata objects like which column in the presentation layer maps to which table in physical layer.
  • For example: search for objects based on name, type.
  1. How can you bypass Siebel analytics server security?

It can by-passed by setting authententication type in NQSCONFIG file in the security section as:authentication_type=bypass_nqs.instanceconfig.xml and nqsconfig.ini are the 2 places.

  1. Where we can add new groups and set permissions? Explain what is R?

We can add groups by going to manage>security>add new groups> We can give permissions to a group for query limitation and filter conditions.

  1. What are the things we can do in the BMM layer?

We can do Aggregation navigation, level base matrics, time series wizard, create new logical column, complex join.

  1. Where are passwords for userid?

Passwords for userid are in siebel analytics server repository.

  1. Define pipeline.

Pipelines are the stages in a particular contract, valuation, economics etc.

  1. What are the Key Configuration Files in OBIEE?

The key configuration files in OBIEE 11g are NQSConfig.ini, NQSCluster.ini, odbc.ini, instanceconfig.xml

  1. Give a brief introduction of OBIEE?

Oracle BI Enterprise Edition (sometimes simply referred to as Oracle Business Intelligence) provides a full range of business intelligence capabilities that allow you to :

  • Collect up-to-date data from your organization.
  • Present the data in easy-to-understand formats (such as tables and graphs).
  • Deliver data in a timely fashion to the employees in your organization
  1. What Is the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog?

The Oracle BI Presentation Catalog stores the objects, such as analyses, dashboards, and KPIs, that you and other users create using Oracle BI EE. Users have their own personal folder (My Folders), where they can store the objects that they create. The objects in a personal folder can be accessed only by the user who created and saved the content into that folder. Users can add sub-folders to their personal folders to organize their content in the way that is the most logical to them.
You can also store objects in shared folders where other users or groups can access the objects. A combination of business logic security,catalog object level security, and data level security determines who has the ability to view data and objects, edit objects, and delete objects from the catalog. Your administrator creates and maintains the catalog’s shared folder structure.

  1. What is OBIEE 11G?

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 11g is the most significant release of OBIEE since 2006.

  1. Explain the main features of OBIEE 11G?

Oracle Business Intelligence is now more integrate with the Oracle Fusion Middleware software family.
Oracle WebLogic Server replaces Oracle Application Server and Oracle Containers for Java (OC4J).
Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Installer replaces the installer that was used in previous versions of Oracle Business Intelligence. It can perform software installation and configuration steps in the same process or separately in their own processes
This release add the following administration command-line utilities:

  • Oracle WebLogic Server scripting tool (WLST) for managing the Oracle WebLogic Server domain.
  • OPMN and the opmnctl commands for the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server.
  • A database repository must be created before installation of the components with the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) tool.
  • Log centralization via the web log viewer.
  • In addition, Oracle Business Intelligence is now deployed in a clustered configuration by default. Because of this, the default ODBC DSN for the Oracle BI Server points to the Cluster Controller by default, rather than to the Oracle BI Server
  1. Explain Oracle Business Intelligence Applications?

An Oracle BI application consists of pre-built, industry-specific Oracl e BI interactive dashboards and Oracle BI reports that are built using industry best practices and address key functional areas within an organization. Oracle BI applications are integrated with operational applications to provide business metrics in reports, in context with an organization’s business function and industry.
Oracle BI applications include Extract Transform Load (ETL) routines to extract, transform, and load data into the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

  • Security in Oracle BI:
    OBIEE allows a high degree of control over access to elements in Oracle BI applications. The security mechanism comprises Business logic object security, Presentation Catalog object security and Data level security.
  • Drilling Down in Oracle BI:
    In OBIEE, you can drill down from a dashboard or report to an actual item in the database. For example, if you work in sales, you can drill down to the city level within a sales report, and observe that there is a large sale pending in Paris. If you are using an Oracle Siebel operational application, you can then drill down on the pending sale and go directly to that opportunity in the Oracle BI application.
  1. Define repository in terms of OBIEE?

Repository stores the Meta data information. The extension of the repository file is “.rpd”.With OBIEE Server, all the rules needed for security, data modeling, aggregate navigation, caching, and connectivity is stored in metadata repositories. Each metadata repository can store multiple business models. OBIEE Server can access multiple repositories.
Repository is divided into three layer

  1. Physical –Represents the data Sources.
  2. Business –model the Data sources into Facts and Dimension and apply business logic.
  3. Presentation –Specifies the user’s view of the data rendered in OBIEE answers client
  4. What is the end to end life cycle of OBIEE?

OBIEE life cycle:

  • Gather Business Requirements.
  • Identify source systems.
  • Design ETL to load data to the Data Warehouse.
  • Build a repository.
  • Build dashboards and reports.
  • Define security (LDAP or External table).
  • Based on performance, decide on aggregations and/or caching mechanism.
  • Testing and QA.
  1. What is the purpose of Alias Tables?

An Alias table is a physical table with the type of Alias. It is a reference to a physical table, and inherits all its column definitions and some properties from the physical table. A logical table source shows how the logical objects are mapped to the physical layer and can be mapped to physical tables, stored procedures and select statements. An alias table can be a reference to any of these logical table source types.
Alias Tables can be an important part of designing a physical layer. The following is a list of the main reasons to create an alias table

  • To reuse an existing table more than once in your physical layer (without having to import it several times)
  • To set up multiple alias tables, each with different keys, names, or joins
  • To help you design sophisticated star or snowflake structures in the business model layer. Alias tables are critical in the process of converting ER Schems to Dimensional Sachems.
  1. What is Authentication? How many types of authentication do we have in OBIEE?

Authentication is the process by which a system verifies a user with the help of a user ID and password. It checks if user has the necessary permissions and authorizations to log in and access data.
There are 4 main types of Authentication in OBIEE:

  • Operating system authentication.
  • External table authentication.
  • Database authentication.
  • LDAP authentication
  1. What is aggregate navigation? How do you configure the Aggregate tables in OBIEE?

Aggregate tables store pre-computed results, which are measures that have been aggregated (typically summed) over a set of dimensional attributes. Using aggregate tables is a very popular technique for speeding up query response times in decision support systems.
Ex: If you observe that most of the queries are fired on aggregated values like yearly or monthly data rather that day level data then to speed up the report we can create an aggregate table containing month level and year level data and map it to the respective logical table and set the aggregation levels in the content tab of LTS.

  1. Difference between a session and repo variable?

Session variables are similar to dynamic repository variables in that they obtain their values from initialization blocks. Unlike dynamic repository variables, however, the initialization of session variables is not scheduled. When a user begins a session, the Oracle BI Server creates new instances of session variables and initializes them.
A repository variable has a single value at any point in time. Repository variables can be used instead of literals or constants in Expression Builder in the Administration Tool. The Oracle BI Server substitutes the value of the repository variable for the variable itself in the metadata.
Unlike a repository variable, there are as many instances of a session variable as there are active sessions on the Oracle BI Server. Each instance of a session variable could be initialized to a different value.

  1. What kind of sources can be connected to OBIEE?

OBIEE can be plugged on Relational Databases, Cubes or Flat files, with the following constraints:

  • The sources must be modeled as star schemas or snowflakes schemas in order to have an efficient and safe behavior.
  • In case of multiple sources directly in OBIee used together, be aware that OBIee will conduct the needed joins itself, and OBIee is not a database.

Part 3:

  1. Difference between OBIEE and Tableau?

The differences between OBIEE and Tableau –



It is a BI & Reporting tool

It is a data visualization tool

It is high in cost & has standard pricing’s

It is less in cost for smaller enterprise and high for large enterprise

It is less in visualization

It has plenty of visualizations

It should be used after the training session on it

It is very easy for a beginner as it is drag & drop functionality

For this finalized BI solutions is implemented

It is mostly used for POC reporting

It has predefined BI frames for multiple sectors

In this, we need to start from the scrap

It suits medium & large industries

It suits small & medium scale industries

It helps to create perfect reports

No tool available

  1. What do you mean by the architecture of OBIEE 11g? Also, mention the function of every component.

The presentation services and Oracle BI server are part of the OBIEE.

SQL is constructed by the user and it is passed to an analytic engine. After this, the Oracle BI which is the analytic engine will give a description of the data source of physical SQL. Then the data is recovered back to the analytical engine and it is presented to the services related to the presentation. 

  1. Mention the process of extracting SQL for reports from OBIEE?

There are several ways with the help of which SQL can be extracted from OBIEE. 

  • The request can be changed and then by clicking on the Advance option the user will be able to get the XML code and the original SQL. 
  • Select the option of Tools Create a report from the catalog manager. Then click the request SQL option from the create report window. Also, the sales to the physical path should be saved on the computer. 
  • In the OBIEE 11g administration tool, go to the mange option and then select the security option. Then by selecting the properties for the user option make sure to enable the level of Log to 2. 
  1. Mention the method of the sort of reports in case of OBIEE 11g?

In the case of OBIEE 11g, reports can be sort in by the process of selecting the modify option and then clicking on the sort option which there in the column that is relevant in a pane of criteria. 

  1. Mention the ways of doing different kinds of reports that are narrative in the case of OBIEE?

For OBIEE, the user is given the opportunity of doing different kinds of reports. It is done by clicking on the modify request option and the following Narrative view. After this, it is advised to give @1 for the result of the first column and @2 for the second column, and many more. Also, there is the option of giving a heading in case of no result that is done by clicking on the view that is narrative. 

  1. What is the process of creating a dashboard that is interactive in the case of OBIEE? 

The user will create a dashboard that is interactive in the case of OBIEE. It can be done by selecting the administration and also the Manage dashboard option. After this add a column selector that will help in creating the dashboard that is interactive. 

  1. Mention the use of the write-back option in OBIEE?

In the case of OBIEE, there is a write-back option that is used to give columns in the form of updatable. It also helps in viewing reports. 

  1. Is it possible to execute a direct SQL in the case of OBIEE? If so how can we do it? 

Yes, it is possible to execute a direct SQL for OBIEE. You can do this by simply selecting the request that is a direct database and it is present underneath the area involving the subject. 

  1. Mention the method of creating a report of two areas of the subject in the case of OBIEE?

The developers of OBIEE are able to create a report of two subject areas. First, you have to come down to the bottom of a page from the pane of criteria of the repository is created that is present in the first area of the subject. Then click on the option of combine request. This procedure will help you in creating a report of two areas of the subject. 

  1. For reports, dashboards, rpd in OBIEE, mention the method of putting changes to production from development?

To put changes to production from development, in the case of RPD you can make use of the option of merge that is present in the admin tool. In the case of reports and dashboards, you can use the framework of the content accelerator to port the changes. 

  1. Mention the various kinds of variables that are present on OBIEE 11g and also give explanations regarding them?

Two types of variables are present for OBIEE 11g.

  1. First, it is the repository variable that is used in the case of the entire repository. 
  2. Secondly, it is the session variable that is again of two kinds. One is the non-system variable and another one is the system variable. NQ_Session is used by the system variable. And those filters which are defined by users are mainly considered as non-system variables. 
  1. In the case of table level and also system level, mention the method in which caching can be enabled or disabled?

For the system level, under the cache section, the enable option is used. And in the case of table level, for enabling the cache then the repository that is used for offline mode should be opened. Remember thus repository must not be the present repository. After this, you can select the disable or enable an option for the cache. 

  1. Mention the method following which you can add an additional column in the repository for the presentation layer?

First, you have to check whether the table already exists or not. If it exists then you can add a physical layer. After this, you can select the BMM option and then select the presentation later. After this, you have to make sure to reload the metadata of the serve. The added column will become visible for every user. 

  1. In a situation when for a few certain users if changes are made only for the heading of the column of the report then what method should be followed by the users? 

If a user is serious wants to just change the column heading of the report then the user should make use of the session variable. 

  1. Explain the concept of table alias of OBIEE 11g. Also, state how and where to create it?

For the purpose of creating elf joins, a table alias is utilized. The process of creating a table alias is that you have to first right-click on the table of the physical layer and then you can click on the alias. 

  1. What is the method of craw ting a hierarchy in the case of OBIEE? 

In the case of OBIEE, the hierarchy is created in the BMM layer for the purpose of dimensional tables. You have to right-click on the dimension table. Then create a dimension. After this, the hierarchy and levels can be defined manually. 

  1. Define metrics that are level-based and also mention the process of creating them?

The method of containing a measure that is held on a particular level of dimension is referred to as Level base metrics. Quarterly sales or monthly sales in one such example of metrics that are level-based. 

In order for creating metrics that are level-based, you need to first make a new column that is logical and should be based on original measures. After this, you have to drag and then drop this new column accordingly. 

  1. Mention the various layers in the repository of OBIEE 11g?

The various layers are:

  1. Physical layer 
  2. Mapping layer 
  3. Model of Business and 
  4. Presentation layer
  1. Define the term Authentic in OBIEE and also mention the kinds of authentication?

The process with the help of a system that gives confirmation is known as authentication. The various types of authentication are

  1. Operating system authentication 
  2. Database authentication 
  3. Authentication of External table 
  4. Authentication of LDAP
  1. What do you mean by bridge table? 

There may be a situation in which there is a need for connecting two tables that have no relation to them. In this case, another table is used that helps in connecting the other two tables. This third table is known as a bridge table that has the same columns as present in the other two tables.

  1. In the case of Siebel analytics, how can you define a repository? 

The metadata information is stored in the repository. The Siebel repository is known as a file system that has the repository file extensions of file. rpd. Metadata repository. 

The rules which are connected with data modeling, connectivity, aggregate navigation, and security and caching are stored in the repositories of the metadata. This happens with the Siebel Analytical server. 

Several repositories can be accessed with the help of the Siebel analytics server. Also, each repository of metadata is able to store several business models. 

  1. Give a description of the Siebel analytics life cycle?

The life cycle of Siebel analytics is 

  1. First, there is a collection of requirements related to business. 
  2. Then source system recognition is achieved. 
  3. For the purpose of loading to DW in case, there is no existence of source data then you have to plan an ETL. 
  4. The repository is then built. 
  5. The dashboard is built or you can use answers in case of reporting. 
  6. Security is defined then 
  7. After this, you have to make a decision on aggregation and also on caching mechanisms. This should performance basis. 
  8. The final step is testing. 
  1. Explain the working mechanism of the architecture of Siebel. Also, give a brief description of three layers?

The five parts that are included in the architecture of Siebel

  1. Data source 
  2. Clients
  3. Webserver data sources of Siebel analytics
  4. The scheduler of Siebel analytics
  5. The server of Siebel analytics

The analytical model which is made with the help of the administration tool of Siebel analytics is represented by Metadata. 

There are three layers in the repository. 

  1. The physical layer used for mentioning the sources of data
  2. The business layer is used for copying the sources of data into dimensions and facts. 
  3. A presentation layer that is used for specifying the view of the users regarding the model 
  1. Give a brief description of the Query repository tool?

The query repository tool is used for OBIEE or Siebel admin tool. It also allows the user to make an examination of the tool of repository Metadata. Also, the relation between certain objects of Metadata is examined by this. The objects generally consist of in which column of the presentation later should map with which table of the physical layer. 

  1. What do you mean by pipeline? 

The stages that are present in a certain valuation, contract, economics, etc. are defined as pipelines.

  1. Mention the method of generating triggered report that is time-based?

Use the option scheduler that will help you in generating trigger reports that are time-based. 

  1. Mention the use of filters that are saved and also mention where to save the filters?

There are mainly two folders known as the prompts and reports. 

  1. How can you stop automatically a report run on the dashboard? 

You can stop a report run on the dashboard automatically by selecting the cancel button. 

  1. What is the need for JDK? 

The term JDK stands for Java development kit which is basically a package of software that consists of tools that are required for writing, compiling, debugging, and also for running Java applets. 

  1. What do you mean by RPD? 

It is defined as a repository file which is also known as a rapid file database.

  1. What is ETL Plan?

ETL stands for Extract, Transform and Load. ETL Plan is to design the flow of the metadata

Extract —> Transform —> Load 

Source   Transformation Rule   Target

  1. What are ODBC and OCI?
  • ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity and is also known as Universal Data Connector.
  • ODBC can be used to connect to any type of data source
  • OCI stands for Oracle Call Interface and is used to connect only to Oracle data source
  1. How do we import data from an Excel worksheet?

To import metadata from an excel sheet we need to create a driver for the excel data source. This can be achieved by using the following steps

  • Open   Control Panel > Administrative Tools  > Data Sources (ODBC)Click on the System DSN tab
  • Click on Add
  • Select the Excel driver from the given list
  • Click on OK
  • A new window opens
  • Enter the data source name
  • Select the excel work from which you want to import metadata
  • Now open the BI Administration tool
  • Go to File > Import Metadata
  • Select the Data Source that you have just created
  • Now you can import the required data from your Excel Worksheet
  1. How is the Query repository tool used?

The Query repository tool gives the option to search and analyze the data from the database according to the name, type, and other attributes that are describing the database.

The relationship between the different view layer data and the corresponding physical layer columns.

  1. What are opaque views in the database? When is it advisable to create one?

The opaque views are tables that are created with join or other query data that contain “SELECT” query output. The opaque views make the logical understanding simple for implementation but there are heavy performance constraints. They are only used when there is no other way to get to the final solution.

  1. How can you map each of the reports across to the different tables that are being accessed?

The Admin tool has the “Manage Sessions” tab which gives you access to the logs that are being generated for each session. After the report generation sessions, you can easily view the log to map each request to the corresponding tables and databases.

  1. How can you migrate the presentation layers across to different servers?

The presentation layer is dependent on the database that is underlying each server. Therefore the presentation layer alone cannot be migrated as a stand-alone aspect of the database. What we can do instead is have an ODBC or similar database connection established across from the different servers to the particular main system and then carry over the presentation semantics from the other server with that database-oriented changes in the logic layer.

  1. How will you impose access limitations on the database according to the region of access?
  1. The Data level security imposed according to data in a certain column can be used to limit access depending on the regions.
  2. The Siebel Analytics admin tool will give you control over user access to the different data according to conditions supplied by you.
  1. Which is preferable? Creating the new logical column in the repository level or the Dashboard level of view?

The creation of the logical column on the higher level of the dashboard will have an effect on the tables only on that view level and not on the other dashboards and other requests. The logical columns created on the repository level will, in turn, get their effect on all the other requests and reports from different view levels. So it is always preferable to have the logical column created at the repository level.

  1. What are the different deployment cases for the Siebel Analytics server?

The Siebel Analytics server can be deployed as a stand-alone system or can be deployed as an integrated service which interfaces and communicates to the different Analytics server.

  1. What are the External table-based and LDAP-based security?

The user ID and password need not be stored in the repository of the Siebel Analytics server. The external tables and LDAP offer other possibilities. The user ID and password for user authentication are stored in the external table. The information on different tables and the access information for each user are stored in this external table. The other way is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. This is similar to imposing an access limitation to all the different directories and folders thereby having the limitations to the data viewable for the different users.

  1. What are the various levels of access authentications?
  • There are four levels of authentication that can restrict access to the different tables and databases:
  • Operating level authentication: This is the overall higher level of access restriction to the application. Without this one cannot get access to the application.
  • Table authentication: The table-level authentication is the access permissions set for each physical table.
  • Database authentication: The Database user and password, corresponding privileges can let someone access a specific db or can just give him only partial access. This authentication is the main thing for the application that coordinates different databases. LDAP authentication.
  1. What are the two main categories of variables overall?

There are two types of variables, namely the session variables and the repository variables. The session variables are pertaining to each session that is created for every login of a user. They may be System or Non-system variables.

The repository variables are the ones that are specific to a repository/database. The repository variables contain the parameters that are corresponding to different attributes of the repository and queries. They are again classified as static and dynamic variables. The static variables are the ones that are having permanent values throughout. The administrator can change it whenever needed. The dynamic variables are the ones that have values that are corresponding to the SQL queries and data fetches.

The dynamic variables can take up values depending on the scheduled updates that are started by the administrator. They can also take up values due to the SQL queries that have been recently executed from the user side. Initialization blocks run at a specific time or triggered according to a specific condition.

  1. What is a single LTS and multiple LTS?

The logical table created at the BMM layer can be based on the data from a single physical layer table when it is called a single Logical Table source. When the specific logical layer table is dependent on the columns of different physical layer tables, it is called Multiple LTS. Most of the time we will be dealing with Multiple LTS.

  1. If we have 5 different dimension tables and we need to have hierarchies for only one table, is it mandatory to have hierarchies implemented for all the tables?

No, it is not mandatory to create the hierarchies for all the tables, we can just define hierarchies to those tables that need to have it.

  1. How can you use the Siebel variables to cope up with dynamic data environments?

The Siebel variable is the storage parameters that we can link within the metadata and other configuration parameters in the Siebel. With the help of the variable manager, all the configuration parameters can be loaded into the specific variable depending upon the different environments we are trying to have. This can help us in making the administrative tasks simpler.

  1. What are the Key Configuration Files in OBIEE?

NQSConfig.ini, NQSCluster.ini, odbc.ini, instanceconfig.xml

  1. What is the task scheme and In production… if users are running the report.. but not getting the data… what could be the reason and list all the checks step by step. How u will resolve the problem?

Whether the issue is specific to this user/general. In general, then you might want to check the joins, referential integrity between tables. If specific, then you may have to check his security authorization, business model filters, session variable initialization / any query timing limitations, number of connection pool parameters, etc

  1. Couple of table names in Oracle?

Talk in detail using the below material. This talks of the entire flow as to which table is used for what


  • To be in the position where you need to handle and process a payment in Receivables, you need to have a buyer/payer (most times this is a customer but there are exceptions). Customer records are stored in the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS and HZ_PARTIES tables.  Each customer needs to have a site (a location/address of business) for which information is stored in HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL and HZ_PARTY_SITES_ALL.
  • When a customer purchases goods or services from your company, an invoice is generated for the customer.  These invoice transactions are recorded in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL (invoice headers) and RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL (invoice lines).
  • When the customer makes a payment, this generates new transactions.  These are recorded in AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL and AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY.  If there is an adjustment to an invoice, this is recorded in AR_ADJUSTMENTS.
  • Sometimes payments are received in batches, where a single payment is for multiple invoices.  These batch payments have records in AR_BATCHES.
  • The AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE table holds one record per payment.  Therefore, for payments that pay an invoice in full, there will only be one record related to that invoice.  However, if payments for an invoice are broken up into a payment plan, or if a partial payment is received for an invoice, additional records will be generated in this table for each payment.


  • GL_INTERFACE This table holds financial transactions (journals) transferred from other Oracle Applications modules and external systems.
  • GL_JE_BATCHES This table identifies a “batch” of journals that are related and processed together. Each batch contains one or more journals.
  • GL_JE_HEADER Each journal has one journal header   and one record this table
  • GL_JE_LINES Each journal has one or more journal   lines and are tied together by the journal header
  • Some other important supporting tables in the GL data model include:
  • GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS this is the Accounting Flexfield table and it stores the chart of accounts values, and so the table contains the valid GL account combinations allowed in the system, along with other relevant information about the accounts.
  • GL_LEDGERS This table stores all the Ledgers and   Ledger Sets in the Oracle GL system
  • GL_PERIODS This table stores information about the accounting periods defined in the Oracle GL system. Each row contains information such as the start date, the end date of the period, the period type, the fiscal year, and the period number.
  1. What are the minimum services needed to load a repository file onto memory and view a dashboard that has reports that have been refreshed on a scheduled basis?

Oracle BI Java Host, Oracle BI Presentation Server, and Oracle BI Server

  1. What are Global Filter and how they differ From Column Filter?

There are 2 Global Filters as follows:

  • Column filter– Simply a filter applied on a column which we can use to restrict our column values while pulling the data or in charts to see the related content.
  • Global filter- This filter will have an impact across the application.
  1. What is a materialized view?

A materialized view is a physical object and replica of one or more master objects. It will refresh in intervals.

  1. Have you ever tried de-normalized Databases to build reports? If yes, How to handle it?

Building reports on de-normalized data is not the best practice it leads to performance issues but we can build the reports. These are reports can’t be used for business analysis because the data will fluctuate in non-regular intervals.

  1. Can you change the location of your RPD file in your OBIEE Configuration? If Yes, Where would you mention the new location of this RPD file for Bi Server?

Read the NQSConfig file “Repository Section”. You will easily find the answer. The answer for this is “It can’t be changed”.

The repository location can be changed, this must be done when clustering the BI Server. The parameters in the NQSCONFIG.INI file are


  1. What kind of joins would you perform in the physical layer of the repository file when opened with the Administration tool?

We cannot have outer joins in the Physical layer. We can outer joins in the BMM layer.  In the BMM layer – a complex join can be a full inner join or a full outer join or whatever your criteria were, but in the physical layer – a physical join is always an inner join.

  1. When u run optimization and suppose u get some number….so how u know that the number is too bad or too good?

Well, this is situation-dependent. The only way is to check with source numbers

  1. What is the default location of a repository file?


  1. What’s XMLA and where is it used in the OBIEE context?

The Provider Services tool that comes with Essbase is used to provide the interface, with Oracle BI Server talking to Essbase through its XMLA interface.

Part 4:

1 What is single LTS and multiple LTS?

Answer:  The logical table created at the BMM layer can be based on the data from a single physical layer table, when it is called single Logical Table source. When the specific logical layer table is dependent on the columns of different physical layer tables, it is called Multiple LTS. Most of the time we will be dealing with Multiple LTS.

2 If we have 5 different dimension tables and we need to have hierarchies for only one table, is it mandatory to have hierarchies implemented for all the tables?

Answer:  No, it is not mandatory to create the hierarchies for all the tables, we can just define hierarchies to those tables that need to have it.


3 How is the Query repository tool used?

Answer:  The Query repository tool gives the option to search and analyse the data from the database according to the name, type and other attributes that are describing the database.

The relationship between the different view layer data and the corresponding the physical layer columns.

4 What are opaque views in database? When is it advisable to create one?

Answer:  The opaque views are tables that are created with join or other query data that contain “SELECT” query output. The opaque views make the logical understanding simple for implementation but there are heavy performance constraints. They are only used when there is no other way to get to the final solution.


5   How does the user of Aggregate tables help you in speeding up query responses? How is Siebel Analytics Server advantageous in this aspect?

Answer:  The Aggregate tables are the ones that get values initialized in them as and when the related fields in the other tables get updated. This type of automatic updates to frequently used measures help you in speeding up the queries. If there is a column for number of products produced for every month and you often want to have the summation of the number per year and average for every year often for all the queries, the aggregate table created will have the option to give you that value without computations every time. Siebel Analytics server gives the added advantage that the queries need not be aware of the readily available aggregate table names. If this was the case the SQL queries and the entire design might become complex.

6   What is an implicit fact column?

Answer:  The implicit fact column is the one that is created due to the join, combinations from the different data or columns from the different tables. There may not be the exact data in form of the column in the result or even in the physical layer of database. These are implied from different data and can just be a temporary layer which help us in getting the required result.


7 How can you map each of the reports across to the different tables that are being accessed?

Answer:  The Admin tool has the “Manage Sessions” tab which gives you the access to the logs that are being generated for each session. After the report generation sessions, you can easily view the log to map each requests to the corresponding tables and databases.


8   How can you migrate the presentation layers across to different servers?

 Answer:  The presentation layer is dependent on the database that is underlying in the each server. Therefore the presentation layer alone cannot be migrated as a stand-alone aspect of the database. What we can do instead is have a ODBC or similar database connection established across from the different servers to the particular main system and then carry over the presentation semantics from the other server with that database oriented changes in the logic layer.


9 How will you impose access limitation to the database according to the region of access?


  • The Data level security imposed according to data in certain column can be used to limit access depending on the regions.
  • The Siebel Analytics admin tool will give you the control over user access to the different data according to conditions supplied by you.

10   Which is preferable? Creating the new logical column in the repository level or the Dashboard level of view?

 Answer:  Creation of the logical column on the higher level of dashboard will have effect on the tables only on that view level and not on the other dashboards and other requests. The logical columns created on the repository level will in turn gets its effect on all the other requests and reports from different view levels. So it is always preferable to have the logical column created at the repository level.


11 What are the different deployment cases for the Siebel Analytics server?

 Answer:  The Siebel Analytics server can be deployed as a stand-alone system or can be deployed as an integrated server which interfaces and communicates to the different Analytics server.


12   What are the External table based and LDAP based security?

Answer:  The user ID and password need not be stored in the repository of the Siebel Analytics server. The external tables and LDAP offer the other possibilities. The user ID and password for user authentication are stored in the external table. The information on different tables and the access information for each user are stored in this external table. The other way is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. This is similar to imposing a access limitation to all the different directories and folders thereby having the limitations to the data viewable for the different users.


13 Differentiate Object level security against the Data level security.


  • The Object level security is a higher level of security that allows/disallows the access for user to specific table, row or column according to his access level. The Data level security level is about restrictions that are concerned about the different data that are used to generate the report of other view level information.
  • The Object level of security are permissions corresponding to the objects in the database (like database reports, dashboards, folders etc) and such permissions are set in the view level, logical level or data level. The Data level security mostly set in the database level and related logic table level.

14 What are the various levels of access authentications?

Answer:   There are four levels of authentication that can restrict access to the different tables and databases:

Operating level authentication: This is the overall higher level access restriction to the application. Without this one cannot get access to the application.

Table authentication: The table level authentication is the access permissions set for each physical table.

Database authentication: The Database user and password, corresponding previleges can let someone to access specific db or can just give him only partial access. This authentication is the main thing for the application that coordinates different databases. LDAP authentication.

15   What are the different types of caching?

Answer:  The cache management can be done in three different ways:

  • Cache disabled: The NQConfig.INI file has the ENABLE parameter that can be set to NO. This disables the cache for the server. After the change the server needs a restart. The disable cache will prevent any queries to use/update cache. This may lead to slower performances, but will be useful in the case of lesser accesses that are being expected. Enabling of the cache will not be concerned about the cache updates and synchronization.
  • Caching set for each physical table: The admin tool has the option “Make cache-abble” for the tables. You can click that and go into the general settings. This has the cache persistence in the option. This will make the queries to and fro from the physical table to use the cache. This can also be set according to specific time interval. This will help you in getting a good interactive response on the view layer. Any table that is frequently updated can have this setting on for reasonable amount of time.
  • Event Polling data: The event polling data table keeps track of the different updates that are done on the different tables. The application is going to update this event polling table for each query of update into the physical table. This stand-alone table can get the required frequency statistics for each table to maintain the cache policies as required.


16   What are two main categories of variables overall?

Answer: There are two types of variables, namely the session variables and the repository variables. The session variables are pertaining to each session that is created for every login of a user. They may be System or Non-system variables.

The repository variables are the ones that are specific to a repository/database. The repository variables contain the parameters that are corresponding to different attributes of the repository and queries. They are again classified as static and dynamic variables. The static variables are the ones that are having permanent values throughout. The administrator can change it whenever needed. The dynamic variables are the ones that have values that are corresponding to the SQL queries and data fetches. The dynamic variables can take up values depending on the scheduled updates that are started by the administrator. They can also take up values fue to the SQL queries that have been recently executed from the user side. Initialization blocks run at specific time or triggered according to specific condition.

17   What are the different types of session variables that you are aware of?

 Answer:  There are 2 different types of variables that we deal with in the Siebel architecture:

  • System variables: The system variables are the ones that are used by the analytics server and web to manage and coordinate the sessions and related data. Such names cannot be used for non-system variables or other repository variables. You can try naming such variables with a prefix to identify their nature and content. This will make it easier for classification within each session.
  • Non-System variables- The non-system variables are always used to have user-defined aspects of data stored at a specific place. If you have a data called “number Of Persons” in a specific data from the user space, you can then use this to classify the entire database according to the number Of Persons etc.

When using the variables from the Analytics Webserver, you can just prefix the variable name with NQ_SESSION. (Variable name) to narrow down the scope to the present session.


18 How can you use the Siebel variables to cope up with dynamic data environments?

 Answer:  The Siebel variable are the storage parameters that we can link within the metadata and other configuration parameters in the Siebel. With the help of the variable manager, all the configuration parameters can be loaded into the specific variable depending upon the different environments we are trying to have. This can help us in making the administrative tasks simpler.


19 How do you set the logging level as an administrator in Siebel?

Answer:  The Siebel Analytics Sever has the “Security” configuration in the Manage section of the admin tool. This dialog box has the settings for each user id. Click the specific user id. You can then get the logging level selection inside this settings. You can choose the appropriate level and save the changes. [/social locker]

By bpci