Odisha TET Salary 2022: Check Pay Scale, Allowances, Job Profile, Career Growth

Jagran Josh

BSE Odisha is conducting the Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET 2022) for Teachers for classes I to V (Paper I) and classes VI to VIII (Paper II).

Odisha TET Salary 2022: The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha will be conducting the Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test (OTET 2022) for the selection of eligible candidates for the post of Teacher for classes I to VIII across state government-aided schools in Odisha. The OTET Exam Date 2022 will be announced soon by the Board.

Meanwhile, candidates interested in OTET exam can check the salary of primary teachers and high school teachers in Odisha, pay scale, perks, allowances, job profile, and promotion policy.

OTET 2022 Important Dates

Check out the following table to know the important dates of Odisha TET 2022 given below:



OTET 2022 Application Start Date

10th October 2022

OTET 2022 Application End Date

19th October 2022

Last Date of Payment of Fee

19th October 2022

OTET 2022 Exam Date

To be updated soon

OTET Exam Pattern 2022

There will be two papers in Odisha TET 2022 (Paper-I and Paper-II) comprising of objective tests. The test papers will include multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The exam duration of each paper will be 2 hours and 30 minutes. The medium of the paper will be English and Odia. In Language Test-I, candidates have to choose any one of the languages (Odia/ Urdu/ Hindi/ Telugu/ Bengali).

OTET Paper Pattern for Paper-I


No. of Questions

Marks Allotted

Child Development & Pedagogy



Language-I, Odia/ Urdu/ Hindi/ Telugu/ Bengali



Language-II (English)






Environment Studies



OTET Exam Pattern for Paper-II



No. of Questions

Marks Allotted


Compulsory Child Development & Pedagogy



Language-I, Odia/ Urdu/ Hindi/ Telugu/ Bengali



Language-II (English)



Optional (Either A or B)

A- Mathematics & Science

60 (30 questions from Mathematics and 30 questions from Science)


B – Social Studies

60 (30 questions from History & Political Science & 30 questions from Geography).



There will be no negative marking. As per the OTET marking scheme, one mark will be allotted for each correct answer.

The minimum qualifying mark for SC, SEBC/ OBC, ST, and Physically Handicapped) will be 60% (50%  in order to be considered as a TET pass. 

Also Read: OTET 2022 Registration Process: Know How to Apply Online for Odisha Teacher Eligibility Test

Also Read: OTET Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2022: Check Paper I & Paper II Download PDF

OTET Teacher Salary

As per the rules of the Odisha state government, the promised OTET salary structure is going to be in the grade pay of Rs 21,700/- to 69,100/- in the pay level 3 and pay band Rs 2200/-. The following table consists of the OTET salary structure admissible to their posts, primary and upper primary teachers. 

OTET Teacher Salary 2022

Salary Inputs

OTET Salary Structure

Basic Pay

Rs 5200-/ to Rs 20,200/-

Grade Pay

Rs. 21,700/- to Rs 69,100/-

Pay Level


Pay Band


Basic Pay

Rs 21,700/-







Gross Salary

Rs 40,773/-

Annual Package

4.89 LPA

OTET Allowances

Apart from the promised basic pay, the candidates will paid other allowances that help them in adjusting to the rising inflation and also makes the salary bankable. The following allowances are admissible to the Odisha TET salary structure. 

  • Dearness Allowance
  • House Rent Allowance
  • Travel Allowance
  • City Compensatory Allowance
  • Medical Allowance
  • Provident Fund
  • Gratuity 
  • Pension

OTET Teacher Job Profile

Post appointment the candidate will be posted in any of the government schools in Odisha. While working as a teacher, they will be required to perform the following roles and responsibilities. 

  • As OTET teachers, they have to ensure discipline among the students.
  • They have to go through the curriculum notified for their class and then prepare lesson plans and draft a semester-wise syllabus. 
  • They have to help the students with different concepts and simplify the same to make them understandable.
  • As OTET teachers, they have to test their students from time to time and then inform the parents about the same. 

OTET Probation Period

Upon successful appointment as an OTET teacher, the candidate will be kept on a probation period for a fixed period of time. During this period, they will be given proper training regarding their roles and responsibilities. The probation period is going to be announced once the final result is released. 

OTET Promotion Policy

Those who get appointed within the commission as OTET Teachers will be subjected to get promotions after completing their probation period. These candidates will be required to appear in the internal exams from time to time. Upon qualifying for these exams, the candidates will be promoted to senior positions. Upon promotion, the candidates will also get a hike in their salary.

OTET Admit Card 2022 Download Link (Inactive)


Q1: What is the OTET salary structure for teachers?

As per the board, an OTET teacher for teacher shall be paid in the basic pay of INR 5200-20,200. The monthly salary against this profile will be Rs 40,773 and the annual package shall be Rs 4.89 LPA.

Q2: What allowances shall be given to those who successfully qualify for the OTET primary teacher?

The candidates who qualify for the OTET examination will be eligible for basic pay in the pay scale of INR 5200-20,200. Along with this, allowances like Dearness Allowance, House Rent allowance, travelling allowance, provident fund and pension fund contribution shall also be paid to the candidates on a monthly basis.

Q3: Is there any promotional policy for the OTET exam?

Yes, as per the rules, the candidates will be eligible for a good promotional policy post-qualifying for the entrance exam. These exams are held from time to time to offer promotions to the candidates.

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By bpci

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