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Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) on Tuesday said that some people are in a state of confusion over recent circulars regarding minimum attendance requirements in classes 9, 10 and 11, 12.
It is being interpreted that to appear in the Intermediate (Class 12) final exam, a minimum of 75 per cent attendance in both classes 11 and 12 and for Matric in both classes 9 and 10 is mandatory while this 75 per cent attendance requirement is separate for each class, and not combined, BSEB said.
Further, BSEB explained that from the first day of commencement of classes till the time of final exams, a Class 11 student must have at least 75 per cent of attendance. Otherwise, s/he will not be allowed to sit in the Class 11 final exam.
The same criterion applies to Class 9 students as well, failing to fulfil which will bar him/her from taking the exam.
Shortfall in both these provisions up to a maximum of 15 per cent can be waived by the board, BSEB said.
Candidates with less than 60 per cent attendance will be considered for condonation only under exceptional circumstances on medical grounds, such as cancer, AIDS, TB or similar serious illnesses that require prolonged hospitalisation.
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