ONGC Provisional Result 2023 Out For Various Officer Posts Check Cut Off And Interview Schedule

Jagran Josh

 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has declared the list of shortlisted candidates for various posts on its official website- Download PDF.

ONGC Provisional Result 2023 Download

ONGC Provisional Result 2023 Download

ONGC Provisional Result 2023 Download: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has declared the list of shortlisted candidates for various posts including GTs in Finance & Marine Disciplines through CBT 22 on its official website. Candidates who appeared in the written CBT for these posts can download the list of qualified candidates available on the official website of ONGC-


You can download the provisional result directly through the link given below. 


Direct Link To Download: ONGC Provisional Result 2023-F&A Officer

Direct Link To Download: ONGC Provisional Result 2023-Secretariat Executive 

Direct Link To Download: ONGC Provisional Result 2023-Marine Officer 



ONGC has conducted the written exam for various posts including Marine Officer, Secretariat Executive and  F&A Officer against Advt. No. 8/2022 (R&P). Based on the performance of candidates in the written exam, the list of shortlisted candidates for the above posts have been uploaded on the official website. 


ONGC has also uploaded the Cut off marks with a list of shortlisted candidates for recruitment of these posts on its official website. 


As per the selection process released earlier, the interview for Finance Disciplines will be tentatively scheduled from 11th April 2023 at Dehradun. 

ONGC will upload the link for the Admit Card for the interview round for these posts soon on its official website. Candidates qualified for the interview round can download the same after providing their login credentials to the link on the home page. 



How to Download ONGC Provisional Result 2023


  1. Go to the official website of ONGC and visit the ‘Career’ Section
  2. Click on ‘Recruitment Notice-2023’ and then on
  3. Click on the link ‘List of Shortlisted candidates and Cut off for the recruitment of GTs in Finance & Marine Disciplines through CBT 22 against Advt. No. 8/2022 (R&P)’ on the home page.
  4. You will get the PDF of ONGC Provisional Result 2023 for various posts. 
  5. Download and save the same for future reference. 



When the interview for the GTs in Finance & Marine Disciplines posts will be conducted?

The interview for the Finance Discipline will be held on 11 April 2023.

How one can download the ONGC Provisional Result 2023?

You can download the ONGC Provisional Result 2023 after clicking the link available on the official website.

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#ONGC #Provisional #Result #Officer #Posts #Check #Cut #Interview #Schedule

By bpci

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