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NEW DELHI: The Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has released the mark sheet for the Assistant Agriculture Engineer (AAE) post today, April 05, 2023. Candidates who appeared for the written examination can check and download their marks from the official website –
The OSSC AEE written exam was held on December 11, 2022, and the interview was conducted last month.
To download the result mark sheet online, candidates can follow the below-mentioned step-by-step process or click on the direct link provided below.
How to download OPSC AAE Result 2022?
Step 1: Visit the official website at
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link available for Assistant Agriculture Engineer view marks.
Step 3: Enter your Roll No., PPSAN Number, and Date of Birth to check marks.
Step 4: The OSSC AEE result mark sheet will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download the same and take a printout for further reference.
Direct Link: Download Result Mark Sheet
This recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 102 vacancies for Assistant Agriculture Engineers, out of which, 34 posts are reserved for female candidates. The candidates will be shortlisted based on the written examination and viva voce test.
For more details and information related to the same, candidates are advised to go to the official website of OPSC.
The OSSC AEE written exam was held on December 11, 2022, and the interview was conducted last month.
To download the result mark sheet online, candidates can follow the below-mentioned step-by-step process or click on the direct link provided below.
How to download OPSC AAE Result 2022?
Step 1: Visit the official website at
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link available for Assistant Agriculture Engineer view marks.
Step 3: Enter your Roll No., PPSAN Number, and Date of Birth to check marks.
Step 4: The OSSC AEE result mark sheet will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download the same and take a printout for further reference.
Direct Link: Download Result Mark Sheet
This recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 102 vacancies for Assistant Agriculture Engineers, out of which, 34 posts are reserved for female candidates. The candidates will be shortlisted based on the written examination and viva voce test.
For more details and information related to the same, candidates are advised to go to the official website of OPSC.
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Ravi Shankar
#OPSC #AAE #Result #released #download #marks #Times #India