Jagran Josh
Get here details about Admit Card/Hall Ticket of OPSC Assistant Director Law Skill Test 2023.

OPSC Assistant Director Law 2021-22 Skill Test Admit Card: The Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has released the Admit Cards for Skill Test of Computer(Practical) for the post of Assistant Director Law (Advt. no. 22 of 2021-22). The Skill Test will be conducted on Saturday 11 February 2023. The OPSC has activated the link for Downloading of Admit Card/Admission Certificate along with important instructions on the official website. Candidates are advised to visit the official website of OPSC @ https://www.opsc.gov.in/ for downloading of Hall Tickets and Instructions. Candidates need to fill their PPSAN no. along with Date of Birth to Download the Admission Certificate. OPSC aims to fill a total of 80 Vacancies in this recruitment exam. The skill test shall be of 40 marks as mentioned in official notification. The direct Link to download the Hall Ticket is given below.
Direct Link to Download the OPSC Assistant Director Law Skill Test Admit Card
Candidates can also follow the below steps to download the Hall Ticket
Steps to download the OPSC Assistant Director Law Skill Test Admit Card
Step 1: Visit the official website of Odisha Public Service Commission @-https://www.opsc.gov.in/
Step 2: Visit the What’s new section on the homepage
Step 3: Click on link titled- ‘Download Admission Certificate and Instructions for the Skill Test to be held on 11.02.2023 for Recruitment to the post of Assistant Director (Law)’
Step 4: Now on the page opened download the Admit Card by entering PPSAN No. and Date of Birth.
Step 5: Take a printout of the Hall Ticket for future purposes.
OPSC Assistant Director (Law) No. of Vacancies
A total of 80 vacancies for the post of Assistant Director(Law) were notified in the recruitment advertisement.
OPSC Assistant Director Law Skill Test Date
The date for OPSC Assistant Director (Law) Skill Test is 11 February 2023.
How many vacancies in OPSC Assistant Director Law Recruitment?
There are a total of 80 vacancies in OPSC Assistant Director Law Skill Test Recruitment.
What is the date for OPSC Assistant Director Law Skill Test?
The date for OPSC Assistant Director Law Skill Test is 11 February 2023.
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