Jagran Josh
OSSC Amin Result 2023 Out: Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has declared the result for the post of Amin on its website. You can check the Cut off marks and what’s next here. Check pdf download link.

Direct Link to OSSC Amin Result 2023 here
OSSC Amin Result 2023 Out: OSSC Amin Result 2023 Out: Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has declared the result for the post of Amin on its website. A total of 626 candidates have been provisionally selected for the Amin posts for the next round of selection process. All those candidates who appeared in the prelims exam for the above posts can check the result available on the official website of OSSC-https://www.ossc.gov.in.
As per the selection process for the Amin posts, now the candidates qualify in the the prelims exam, will now appear for the next Skill Test round. Candidates appeared in the prelims exam can download the result directly through the link given below.
Direct Link To Download: OSSC Amin Result 2023
It is noted that OSSC had conducted the prelims exam for Amin Posts on August 20, 2023 across the state. Candidates who appeared in the above prelims exam for the Amin posts can download the result pdf from the official website after following the steps given below.
How to Download OSSC Amin Result 2023 ?
- Step 1 : Visit the official website of Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC)-https://www.ossc.gov.in.
- Step 2: Click on the link List Of Candidates( 626 nos) Provisionally Shortlisted For Appearing Main Written Examination & Computer Skill Test on the home page.
- Step 3: You will get the pdf of the result in a new window.
- Step 4: You can check your roll number in the result sheet.
- Step 5: Download and save it for future reference.
OSSC Amin Result 2023: What’s Next
As per the selection process released earlier for the Amin posts, now all the candidates qualified in the prelims exam are able to appear in the next round which is Mains exam and Skill test. It is noted that the Commission had conducted the written prelims exam on August 20, 2023 across the state. A total of 626 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for the next round for the Amin posts. Candidates will have to appear in the mains exam as well as the Skill test.
OSSC Amin Result 2023: Mains/Skill Test Schedule
According to the short notice released, the Commission will conduct the mains exam with Skill Test in the month of December, 2023. Candidates who have qualified in the prelims exam can check the details schedule on the official website. The Commission will upload the details schedule for mains exam and skill test in due course of time on its official website.
OSSC Amin Result 2023: Check Cut off
The Commission has also released the category wise Cut off marks for the post of Amin on its official website. According to the short notice released, the last selection marks for General category is 79.5, UR(W)-72.25 and others.
When the Skill Test for the Amin posts will be conducted?
OSSC will conduct the skill test and mains exam in December, 2023.
Where to download OSSC Amin Result 2023?
You can download the OSSC Amin Result 2023 after clicking the link on the official website.
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