OSSC CPGL result 2023 OUT: Download Result PDF, Check Merit List, Cut Off & Other Details

Jagran Josh

OSSC CPGL Result 2023: Get here direct link to download OSSC CPGL Result 2023 PDF and Other Details

OSSC CPGL Result 2023: The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has released the result of the Combined Post Graduate Level Recruitment Preliminary Examination 2022. The candidates who appeared for the examination can now view and download the result merit list from the official website ossc.gov.in.

The selection of candidates will be based on their performance in the Preliminary examination, Mains examination, and certificate verification process. These rounds will be conducted to assess the candidates’ aptitude, subject knowledge, and eligibility for the post. Applicants who meet the required criteria will be considered for the final selection process.

OSSC CPGL Result 2023

The preliminary examination for the OSSC CPGL was held on March 26, and the provisional answer keys were published on March 28. The result merit list displays the roll numbers of the candidates who have been selected for the subsequent rounds of the recruitment process. It also shows the minimum marks required to qualify for the examination.

If any discrepancies or issues arise during the result verification process, candidates are advised to contact the concerned authorities immediately. It is also recommended that candidates keep their roll numbers or registration numbers handy to avoid any confusion while checking their results..

Odisha SSC CPGL Result Download Link

To access the OSSC CPGL result 2023, candidates will need to visit the official website of Odisha Staff Selection Commission or click on the link given below. The official website will have all the necessary information and updates related to the Odisha SSC CPGL Result 2023.

The OSSC CPGL Result will contain details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, subject-wise marks, and overall score. It is important for candidates to keep their login credentials, such as registration number and password, handy to check their results.

Candidates can also check their scorecard from the direct link given below

How to Check OSSC CPGL result 2023?

To check the Odisha SSC CPGL Result, candidates must follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to the official website of OSSC, which is ossc.gov.in.
  2. Look for the link that says “CPGL 2022 result” on the homepage.
  3. Click on the link to access the OSSC CPGL prelims result.
  4. Once the result is displayed on the screen, download it.
  5. Review the result to see if they have cleared the exam or not


By following these instructions, candidates can easily access and download the OSSC CPGL Result from the official website of Odisha Staff Selection Commission without any difficulty. It is important to keep the hard copy  of the scorecard for future use.

OSSC CPGL Mains 2023 Exam Date 

The OSSC CPGL Mains examination is scheduled to be conducted on May 7, 2023. Candidates must note that the recruitment drive is being conducted for a total of 123 vacancies. The admit cards for the mains examination will be released soon before the examination date. Candidates must stay tuned with the official website of OSSC for the latest updates.

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